Author Topic: ever had a called critter try to eat ya!!!  (Read 613 times)

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Offline bvr-trpper

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ever had a called critter try to eat ya!!!
« on: March 08, 2003, 10:14:06 AM »
went callin the other morning seen fur head my way. I lost track of it after a few minutes I started hollering again & up over the bank about 20 yards in front of me a raccoon popped up hell bent to run over my ass i lifted an arm to shoo him away (there out of season) the sucker humped his back put his head toward the ground, started growlin like hell didn't even slow down at 3 feet away I had to do sumthin forgot my can of pepper all know what it got for dinner.

Offline Asa Lenon

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ever had a called critter try to eat ya!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2003, 12:05:49 PM »
I know what you mean, some of the animals are so intent on finding the source of the call that they act in strange ways.  I had an otter do the same thing, wouldn't stop when hollered at and attacked the electronic caller.  Watch out for bobcats, they sometimes circle around pounce on a caller from behind.  Ace

Offline Wackyquacker

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ever had a called critter try to eat ya!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2003, 02:16:58 PM »
I've had many more than one coyote get up close and personal!  I recall one that blind sided me.  When he came around a big branch of the  mesquite bush I was cut into I moved on him ...the dirty B@#$%^&  snarled and growled, never stopped...well never before I fed him.   Chet came over after I signaled the stand was done "when he didn't come out of the bush I figured you got him"...some help he was.   I moved the muzzel and pointed it at the coyote, must have been all of 15 inches.  How close do you figure it was before I fired?

Offline Jacktheknife

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A Hog ate my grandfathers leg
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2004, 06:34:25 AM »
Howdy Ya'll,  My Dad came out to visit and we walked down to see my two new Hog traps. I built them out of 2.5 cattle panels, about 30' in diameter.  With a "6" design, a silo trap, no door you know.  We were talking and I told him how a friend old Wayne came over and saw the trap in the front pasture and told me 12!    12 times!    " Jack I can't begin to tell you how fast and mean and almighty viscous Hog are!  They can be on the other side of this cage trap, looking the other way, and you, standing where you are looking right at them... they can turn and hit your side of the trap with all their 200-300 Lbs, and bite anything they can get! So fast your eyes can not relay to your brain that they have even begun to move! Be careful with them Hog!                                                                             Whereupon Dad told me about grandpaw....
              "Your grandpaw, Earnest Eugene, was 5-6 years old back at the turn of the last century. Everybody lived on a farm back them, and one day as he was out in the yard back by the Hog pens, playing,  an old sow, what had pigs, attacked your granddad, and went to feeding on his leg!"
"They heard him screaming and got him out but his leg was hurt pretty bad.
                  " That old  cane you have in your truck ...the one I saw in there today! belonged to your old granddad, my father! and thats how his leg was kinda ruined!"  "It was never right after that!  When he got old and got diabedies and lost his leg... that was the leg he lost!

               Be careful with them Hog!
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Offline oso45-70

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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2004, 12:01:41 PM »
I like the way you do your post's, kinda like sitting around the camp fire shooting the brezz,
In 1959 my friend and i went to a little town in colorado to pick up a horse
he had traded for, the road was a little wagon track affair and we had gone about half a mile and all of a sudden the police were behind us with red lights flashing so we pulled over and they came around us going hell bent to leather, well we finallt got to the house and people were running around like crazy and about that time the ambulance pulled up and they piled out an a dead run to the barn area, well what had happened a big sow had kelled and started to eating on a two year old boy, you can bet that messed both of us up so bad,, MAN that was the worst thing i'd ever seen and hope to never see again,,, i have plenty of respect for a pig,
people don't have any idea how fast them buggers can move,
what area are you in, i'm going down to dickens co. in a few days to hunt

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Offline Jacktheknife

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Joe !
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2004, 01:43:46 PM »
Joe,  Thanks,  I am in Dallas county,  about a half mile from the south county line. Right in between IH 35  {to Austin}  and IH 45 {to Houston}  Gimme a holler if you pass this way, I used to bow hunt mule deer in Pecos N. M.  for ten years running till my Dad got kinda old to be up in the high elevations.  We went through Tucamcarii  on the way there.
Longest walk I ever took was once when I got lost and walked 32 miles in 17.5  hours! And that was at high elevation. Some of it was straight up and down, a cliff!  Crossed Jacks creek on a log and climbed the damn cliff up to the road, walked to Jacks creek camp, and rested a bit and then on up the trail to where Dad was still at our camp, up on the ridge between Jacks creek camp and Windsor?  camp... and on in to camp. Sure did sleep well that night.  Thanks again  J. Knife..
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Offline lynx/cat-trapper

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ever had a called critter try to eat ya!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2004, 04:31:56 PM »
I've had several "marginal" experiences while calling...I've had "blood drawn" by raptors..tell ya what..get smacked in the side of the head by a large red tail hawk doing about 40mph...wake you up REAL quick!!! :shock:  I've also "pushed" a coyote over my head as I  pulled the trigger...NOT a pretty sight!!! blew so much hair off his chest I "almost" didnt even skin him!!! Many other stories..most are like these two...HELLO!!! Keep your eyes..AND your ears open...even when concentrating on a "target" coming in...look and listen...the "prey" may be beside you...and the "target" may be YOU!!!(been there done NOT call mountain lion by yourself...I've done some "stupid" things...this is right at the top of the list!!)
If God hadn't meant for us to eat animals...he wouldn't have made them out of TASTY meat!!!