Author Topic: Note From Greybeard...Please Read  (Read 1371 times)

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Offline DB Leath

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Note From Greybeard...Please Read
« on: February 10, 2004, 11:16:04 AM »
Some time in the next week to ten days we will be moving GBO to a Dedicated Server. I cannot predict the precise timing of this at this time. Since there is no mass post function it is highly unlikely I'll be able to make another post besides this one on all forums to let you know the precise timing.

This will be a good thing BUT will require us to shut the site down completely for a short period to move everything to the new server.

Don't panic. We'll be right back I promise. We'll hold it to a minimum and try to make sure it is limited to a few hours at most and likely late in the evening and wee hours of the morning.

Unlike at some sites we're not gonna ask anyone to help foot the bill for a dedicated server. It will be paid for just like I pay for the site now, from Advertising revenue.

Thanks for your understanding.

SASS #49681
SBSS #1201
Ya have to back your brothers play