I own a benelli M2 and a fairly new remington 11-87 (bought recently and shot low brass up to 3" steel for ducks) and have a first hand opinion of both. Frankly, I like the M2 for some things and the 11-87 for others. Is the benelli better over all? sure, but it is more than twice the cost. I have shot older 1100's before and had mostly good experiences. The M2 is a better semi auto action, more reliable in my opinion. But, it has noticably more recoil. The 11-87 is primarily for my wife. So far, I have only experienced 1 jam out of an old 1100. THis one I own is flawless. FOr 600 bucks, you cant really beat it. I'll agree that the O ring is the possible weak link in the 11-87 but if you clean it, you'll get good service. I have heard reports from burned 1100/11-87 owners but in all honesty, the real benefit is that they can be re-built and serviced in a million places. The benelli? Not so much. If it were my money and I had only 600, I'd get the 11-87, if you got 1100 bucks however, get the benelli.