Author Topic: Customer service stinks at Springfield Armory  (Read 2000 times)

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Offline DzrtRat

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armory
« on: October 03, 2003, 11:05:46 AM »
Some of you may remember my posts about a month back when I bought a Springfield micro-compact.  Well, the second time I took it shooting the stinkin' thing broke.  My dealer called springfield and they said they would put the part in the mail for me.

Hmm.....that's been almost 2 weeks ago and no part.  Ok, so we called them back and they say they are doing inventory Oct 1st-15th, so won't be able to ship the part until at least Oct 15th.   :(   What happened to the last 5-6 days of Sept when they SHOULD have shipped it?  Their explanation is "Sorry, we can't ship it until the 15th.  Nothing more we can do."   :(  :(  :(

First off, a pistol should not break with less than 50 rounds through it.  At least one that is SUPPOSED to be of the quality that Springfield is known for.  One with an MSRP of almost a thousand dollars at that.

Ok, so everyone has a fluke, but they really should make every effort to make it right ASAP.  They won't do that either.

I'm hacked (if you can't tell).  I'll tell you now that this won't happen to me again.  Not by springfield, anyway.  As soon as that pistol is fixed, I'm selling it.  The way things stand now, that company couldn't PAY ME to use their firearms.

I should have bought a Kimber.


Offline Jim n Iowa

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« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2003, 02:02:38 PM »
If it were me and my local dealer I would be standing on him to replace the gun for a new one if thats what you started out with. I am in the retail business and we don't shut down for inventory. The dealer hopefully made a profit from the sale and so on down the line, so tell them to make it right replace it, then you have more to sell or trade. Thats just me

Offline DzrtRat

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2003, 02:58:52 PM »
The dealer has been more than fair with me with several guns I've bought from him.  I recently bought a Ruger Vaquero from him, and when it took longer then expected to do some custom work on it, he even lent me his own gun in the same make and caliber for a hunt I was going on.  If he actually had another gun like the one I bought, he'd happily replace it for me.  Heck, he's even offered to give my money back on it, but somehow I don't feel right doing that to him.  We're going shooting on Sunday morning though, and I'll talk to him some about it then.  If there's a way he can return the gun to Springfield, then I'll have him refund my money and be done with it.

That still doesn't change Springfield Armory's customer service, though.  They made the gun, and they sold the gun with a lifetime factory warranty.  When that gun breaks with less that 50 rounds through it, I expect it to be fixed, and I don't expect to wait a month or two for them to get around to it.

I know I sound unforgiving, and maybe I am in some ways.  I'm a man who stands by his word though, and I expect the same from others......without a lot of BS in the process.

Do me wrong once, shame on them.  Do me wrong twice, shame on ME.  I won't be dealing with Springfield Armory again.

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2003, 09:47:44 AM »
in your situtation i would fully expect springfield to stand behind that gun and make it right asap.   i hope things turn out for you.

Offline redial

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2003, 06:15:07 PM »
I've had bad experiences with Springfield's .45's and will not buy another. Some folks love theirs but I've had enough trouble out of the two junkers I've had. Pee-yew.

Glad to hear you have an accommodating dealer! Hope it works out for you.

Offline Grumpy

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Poor service!!
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2003, 03:48:29 PM »
:cry: I too have had a bad taste in my mouth with Springfield's coustomer service. I e-mailed them with a problem they should have been able to answer. I never recieved an answer. I now carry a Smith 1911.

Offline Grumpy

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Poor service!!
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2003, 03:59:56 PM »
:cry: I too have had a bad taste in my mouth with Springfield's coustomer service. I e-mailed them with a problem they should have been able to answer. I never recieved an answer. I now carry a Smith 1911.

Offline DzrtRat

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2003, 03:11:54 PM »
It took three weeks to get the part for my pistol, but it finally arrived.  Thanks to my dealer giving them a good chewing last Tuesday, they did finally overnight the part to him and I got the gun back on Wednesday morning.  

I have to wonder why they wouldn't just do that when it first broke?  They'd have had a couple of customers who were a lot happier (me and the dealer who sold me the gun).

Now to decide whether or not I'm going to keep it.......


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« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2003, 02:23:43 PM »
I have a business background and we never stopped selling while our annual inventory count was occurring, although you do get better count accuracy if output and input is totally stopped while counting the product, without the use of computer software, that is.

Anyways, I was totally against Sturm Ruger products for years as I thought they were inaccurate guns, but due to the high praise of their customer service department on taking care of any problems in the internet chat rooms with customers, I was convinced enough to purchase two of their guns this Summer.  Sturm Ruger earned my purchase.  Very accurate well finished guns too.

Remington really scares me due to lots of complaints about their not standing  by their products, bought a Remington model 597 .22 caliber rifle a few months ago as I admired the design, my dealer said they would repair as needed if Remington gave us the run around.  Ok, so it shoots very well and is accurate to boot, I am glad.

But as Remington has a poor reputation, I would look at someone elses shotgun or rifle before I would buy from them.  Now with this Springfield problem starting...I would be reluctant to buy from them right now.  These companies need to keep their customer service in good shape or we will shutter them with lost sales.  Its that simple! 8)

Offline txpete

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2003, 09:19:19 AM »
what broke on the springfield?????.I have had 2 of their 45's I now own O.
they do make a great mag. my llama loves them.

Offline DzrtRat

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2003, 09:32:39 AM »

The weld between the guide rod and the guide rod head broke, and while I THINK I could have still shot it that way, I'm quite sure it would have battered the frame and slide pretty bad.

After comparing the old guide rod and the new one, I will admit that the new one appears to be better built.  While I'm still not real sure on keeping the gun, I did go out and put about 150 rounds through it since I got it back and it's worked flawlessly since the new guide rod was installed.

At this point I would still happily sell the gun if someone was interested in it.  In the meantime I'll keep shooting it and see what happens.  If it holds up then my faith in the gun may be restored in time.  We'll see I reckon!


Offline dmachine

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2003, 02:52:10 AM »
If your dealer is willing to give you your money back, take it! Then to make things right with him, spend it on another gun, a Kimber. Kimber is one of the best .45's out for a production gun. For the price you pay for one it would be pretty hard to beat. The Sig P220 is another top notch .45, although not a 1911 type. This way everyone is happy, your dealer has made a sale, you have a gun you can beat your life on, and Springfield can go suck egg's! Your dealer is most likely worried that your not happy with the gun and feels a little responsable for it. He would probably feel better if you did pick out another unit, and you will never be really happy with the Springfield or trust it. So why the gun is still new make the switch, everyone will be a lot happier in the long run. Everyone but Springfield that is.

Offline R. Tillery

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2003, 08:01:42 AM »
FWIW, Springfield doesn't make the mags shipped with its pistols. They are made by various makers, such as MecGar and MetalForm.
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Offline Tacoma

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2003, 06:40:06 AM »
My ex-marine buddy is big into military firearms. He ordered a new SA M1-A1 and later a M1 Garrand. Bith came with broken sights and other shoddy workmanship issues. . Both had "issues' which kept them from shooting relaibly. The A1 was returned and is "better" if not perfect.  The Garrand is going. Customer service has been less than accomidationg on these two $1200+ rifles. Doubt it's much better on a $600 handgun.

Offline glockbox

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Screwed by the Armory!
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2003, 09:41:36 AM »
I bought a 1911 that shot about 8" low at 25 yards. I called them to see what they would do about it. They said that I had to ship it back to them for repair. When I asked for a call tag they said "we don't do that". It cost me $35.00 to ship a gun back to the manufacturer to fix a problem that they caused! Not to mention the months of problems that I had with the M1A that I was working on (A whole new can of worms!). Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm gonna call a local dealer and try to get rid of the piece of poo-poo that goes bang-bang. :x

Offline El Hombre

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2003, 11:07:59 AM »
Take a look at the Dan Wesson line of 1911 guns. They are a great value for the money, and their customer service is number one!

Offline BamBams

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2004, 06:58:34 AM »
I have my own reasons for not buying Springfield's anymore. I agree with the Kimber suggestion. It's a great value in a production 1911. Their service has also been great by me. They answer email promptly, and they do their work in a timely manner.  I honestly have not a single complaint - I've always gotten what I paid for plus a little extra with them.
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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2004, 07:09:12 AM »
Man I feel for you all, but I got a Springfield Mil-spec 1911 over a year ago and I have over 1000 rounds through it without a hiccup. I just got a New M1 Garand and the workmanship is top notch. I have had nothing but success with Springfield's. I would not hesitate to get another.
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Offline Nanook 450

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2004, 02:34:12 PM »
Bought a Springfield Trophy Match and had trouble with the target sights, after sending the pistol back to the factory 3 times and having my gunsmith install the parts twice, asked Springfield if they would consider trading the Trophy Match for a TRP.  Told the I would pay the difference, and just wanted fixed sights, ambi-safety and tritium.  They said no, they would simply trade me even and hope I am happy.  The price difference is around $300 and the Trophy Match was 3 years old.  That is customer service, and my TRP is fantastic.  I also own a Kimber Pro CDP - have had some work done on that pistol to help it run right, spend about $45.00.  Only got a vioce recorded message from Kimber - you get real people at Springfield.  The Springfield lifetime warranty versus the Kimber one year makes me lean towards Springfield.  With both pistols, I think I'm set for life and proably won't need a third 1911.

Offline BamBams

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2004, 03:34:03 PM »
Quote from: Nanook 450
With both pistols, I think I'm set for life and proably won't need a third 1911.

Ha! That's just what you think now!  Have you tried a Wilson or Baer lately?
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Offline Nanook 450

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Customer service stinks at Springfield Armo
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2004, 03:37:32 PM »
Quote from: BamBams
Quote from: Nanook 450
With both pistols, I think I'm set for life and proably won't need a third 1911.

Ha! That's just what you think now!  Have you tried a Wilson or Baer lately?

Dr. Bam Bam - good to hear from you - I have not even held a Wilson, Bear and one other $2,000 1911 - just cut off one arm to get the two I have.  But from what I've been told, you are right!