The FN SA-22's are great little rifles, fun to shoot and will get the job done. Brings back fond memories of the 3 of them I've had. An early top loader, a mid 50's 22 Short Only with a short carbine barrel and a late 60's Grade III 22LR. Should have kept the top loader, would be pretty rare now days... the 22 Short would be too probably but the Grade III as the easy nicest of the lot so was the last one I finally relaxed my grip on. Probably worth $2500-$3000 now or more. Later I thought about getting a Miroku higher grade for a while but never got around to it. No idea what's current now, but a few years ago the Browning custom shop in Belgium was making higher grades again. Would rather have one of them than a Miroku, even if lower grade. For old FN era times sake (the Miroku had a great rep when I checked into them).