Author Topic: African President Expands Gun Confiscation Powers of ATF  (Read 2634 times)

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Offline boatboy

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Re: African President Expands Gun Confiscation Powers of ATF
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2012, 12:52:02 PM »
I agree quite a bit with yellowtail3 and others that have posted based on though
Call me what you want I dont care
We will get nowhere while we let them "divide and conquer"
I am a conservative Republican I vote Pro Life and 2nd Amendment

He is 180 degrees from my stances but I want to beat him (President Obama) because

He is a Socialist
He is anti gun
He is not Pro life
He Believes in the "new"world order
He hates things I hold dear to me
He is part of the Chicago Machine, I grew up in Chicago a great city in Spite of itself I have been here 23 years

I dont really care that he is African
Give me a African who is Financially conservative
Is Pro Life
Pro gun
Wants an America that holds up Christian Traditions and the Goodness of the American People I would be fine  Black White Purple or Green

This Reminds me of when Bush was in Office and Rush would point out how the Lefties would not "Honor the office" I listen to him every day I will use his favorite word "HIPPOCRAZY"
There are plenty of reasons to get rid of him but probably not because of his race there are plenty of white guys right behind him with the same values we dont need them either

In the land of the blind the one eyed man is King

Say what you want, pick on him. but Ringo is still a Beatle

Offline dwalk

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Re: African President Expands Gun Confiscation Powers of ATF
« Reply #31 on: November 25, 2012, 06:31:09 AM »
Rome had a very large and powerful army also, but in the end what good did it do for them ?
If this country continues to let Washington act like Nero's court , we can expect some of the same.

Rome, also got to the point to where they could not collect enough taxes to support the legions necessary to protect the state...sound familiar?
don't squat while wearing your spurs...will rogers

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: African President Expands Gun Confiscation Powers of ATF
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2012, 09:40:36 AM »
When Rome fell, about half their population was slaves.  Hmm, 47%.  They also had let some barbarians over the border for protection from the Huns.  These people then turned against Rome for their "independence", thus splitting up the Empire, especially the Western Empire.  Vandals, Goths, Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Bulgars, etc.  All overwhelmed their hosts and formed their own little kingdoms.  Hmm, southern border?. 
Most of the Roman taxes wheren't spent on their roads and military toward the end, but on extravagance, coluseums, circuses, huge buildings.  Hmm, sounds like elitists running the country. 

Offline Defoe

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Re: African President Expands Gun Confiscation Powers of ATF
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2012, 06:22:47 AM »

Most of the Roman taxes wheren't spent on their roads and military toward the end, but on extravagance, coluseums, circuses, huge buildings.  Hmm, sounds like elitists running the country.
Like the romans, democrats love a good party at the expense of the tax payers.
would roman coliseums, circuses, and huge buildings equate to windmills, solar collectors, and the shutdown of domestic oil drilling?  if so, we're doomed...

Offline Squib

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Re: African President Expands Gun Confiscation Powers of ATF
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2012, 05:35:05 PM »
is obama partially african/negro?  sure is.  is he black, no.  he was raised by white family, and raised with white peers, in white communities most of his life.  he is a hardcore WHITE LIBERAL, that identifies with "colored" people to a degree (though whether that is true or just political theatre, I cannot say), and REALLY identifies with NWO and THIRD WAY ideology.  alan keyes made a good rant about black and american born versus what obama is, and it's worth listening to.  here's the link.

ps- stop obfuscating the issue by going off about how african he is, it's not the truth at all.  even if he was 100% born and raised african with tar black skin he'd still be a citizen of the world and a NWO communist that transcended any other identity.

here's another link (for the content posted below):

Obama –The Equal Opportunity Hater?

by loyaltoliberty on August 17, 2009


WND reports that “Glenn Beck fans are fighting back… “against an Obama faction effort to destroy the advertiser base for Beck’s Fox News commentary program. “Now a husband and wife team of Beck fans has launched a that lists the contact information for advertisers for Beck’s and other Fox News programs…” Though the Obama faction effort purports to be a reaction to Beck’s remark that Obama “has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture,” I suspect that their real motivation has more to do with the role he has played as a focal point for opposition to the Obama faction’s drive to subject the United States to a totalitarian national socialist regime. People who oppose their intention should do more than applaud the defenders of Beck’s freedom of speech; they should pitch in and help them out.
That said, I find myself unable to agree with Beck’s statement about Obama’s anti-white attitudes. Casting Obama as some kind of anti-white racist re-enforces the false notion that he speaks from or in any way represents the aggrieved heart of black Americans, the heart that tragically leads some black people (like Henry Gates and other members of the leftist black elite) to wallow incessantly in the world of hurt connected with what they feel is the persistent reality of white racism in America. All too often, however, the wallowing has an ironic “the lady doth protest too much” (Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 2) quality about it: Blacks who enjoy all the benefits and prestige American society can offer, using exaggerated gestures of condemnation of white racism to affirm their continued identification with the plight of other, less favored blacks. Is their show of angry resentment for the benefit of those less favored, or does it mainly serve to exploit (for “professional” purposes?) the embarrassed guilt that still influences the actions of so many other Americans who wish conscientiously to deal with the nation’s heritage of racial injustice, fear and mistrust?
Barack Obama surely epitomizes this ironic exploitation of racial embarrassment. It was, and continues to be, a ruthlessly deployed weapon in his arsenal for political warfare. Consider for example elements of the Obama faction who now absurdly claim that people who notice and declare Obama’s commitment to totalitarian national socialism are doing so because he’s black. Actually, Obama’s commitment to totalitarian socialism is more likely related to the emotional role and influence of anti-American leftists (e.g., his mother, Frank Davis, Bill Ayers) in his life and upbringing than to the facts of his racial biology.
After his father abandoned him, these communist/leftist figures provided emotional compensation for that abandonment. Did they redirect the pain and resentment it occasioned away from his father? Did their ideological fervor refocus it instead against the supposedly unjust American economic and political system? The hatred most characteristic of those who influenced Obama’s emotional core is not hatred of whites or of white culture- it’s hatred of the United States and of all that it stood for while leading the fight against expansive international communism.
Nothing about Barack Obama authentically represents or invokes the heritage of black Americans. Throughout his career he has championed the so-called right to abortion. From its inception with people like Margaret Sanger, to its genocidal implications for black Americans today, the promotion of a so called right to murder children in the womb has been allied with forces aiming to eliminate “inferior” races from the catalogue of human existence. (Given the anti-black implications of his fanatical commitment to the abortion agenda, the question arises: Did Obama’s emotional pain over his father’s abandonment result in sub-rosa resentment against his black racial heritage?) Authentic Christian faith has also been characteristic of the black American identity, reflecting the Gospel of love and reverence for God’s will. That is a far cry from the peculiar mélange of race hatred and covert Islamism that claimed Obama’s allegiance as a member of the congregation that assembled to hear the hate speech that passed for sermonizing in Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s services.
And despite the leftist cant characteristic of the manipulated media’s preferred black figureheads, many black Americans reject totalitarian socialist schemes to establish government domination and repression. Like my father, they donned the uniform of America’s armed forces and fought with courage, pride and good conscience against the communist/national socialist devaluation of unalienable rights, and its collectivist/elitist assault on respect for the intrinsic worth of each and every human life.
Given Obama’s upbringing, the self-avowed leftist predilections of his university life, the socialist stances characteristic of his brief political career, and the national socialist policies he is trying to force on the American people today, I would suggest that his race has nothing to do with the deep animus that characterizes his policies and actions. The target of his ill will isn’t just whites- its black Americans, Jews, Asians, South Asians, Africans, Hispanics and yes, Europeans, Aussies and Brits, indeed any human beings who hold fast to the idea of liberty and the principles of God ordained human rights and moral dignity from which it springs. Rather than surrendering to the racial division Obama seeks to exploit, Americans of all backgrounds should unite on the common ground of decent humanity offered by our American creed.