I'm in contact with many people daily who are having no problems with my website, but if any of you do, or in case you do in the future, which is ever more likely to happen with the nations volitile postion, please write the follwoing contacts down, and feel free to use them anytime, when you have any problem.
email LBTisAccuracy@localnet.com
Address LBT 78592 Hwy 2 Moyie Springs ID 83845
Phone number. 1 208 267 3588 Feel free to call anytime siz days a week but we keep the phone off the hook when we go to bed, as it's our home phone, and the computor ties it up when I'm doing internet anything. We are in the Pacific time zone, same as California. If you get the answering machine, leave a meassage, and best time to get a return call. I'll call you back when I come in from the shop and will try to hit your best call time.