Author Topic: Obama Has Convinced Nearly Half of Republicans to Raise Taxes on the Wealthy  (Read 627 times)

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Offline scootrd

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President Obama has so convincingly won the message war on taxes that according to new Bloomberg poll, nearly half of Republicans support raising taxes on the wealthy. The Bloomberg poll found that Obama’s job approval rating (53%) is now at its highest level since December 2009. Two to one majorities support the president’s position on protecting Medicare and Social Security. This result pretty much obliterates the Republican talking point that the Romney/Ryan campaign gave Republicans some sort of victory on entitlements.

The biggest surprise in this poll was that despite two years of endless campaigning  for not raising taxes on the wealthy, nearly half of Republicans support the president’s position that taxes need to be raised on the wealthy.

Must be those defector "Libby" type Republicans,. certainly cannot be Republicans with well ... Just common sense.

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The difference in most of those REpubs and DEms is that one has an R, and the other a D after their name.  They just jockey around trying to keep themselves in office, with no regard for the nation.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline Dand

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I really appreciate  the new graphic the Speaker showed today - I hope it has good effect on officials and the public.  But in my very limited understanding is we just can't cut our way to balanced budget tho I think a lot of that needs doing.  On the increased taxes, I think most of us need to help pay a bit of it at a level commensurate with our abilities.  My thoughts are the more of us who have to pay, the more of us will be looking harder at how it is spent.  We don't need to go to the level O has been threatening where many "middle class" folks will be hit with about $2,000 more taxes. What if we middlers forked over $100 to $150 more and say uppers pay somewhat more?

I read recently that we'll ALL be hit with a $63 fee in 2013 to begin financing Obamacare - grrrrrrr.  That fee is expected to raise what sounds like really big money to me - billions I thought.

So I've written my DC delegation that cut a lot and tax a little more approach - all have to give.  Even wrote to the Pres just to make sure he's hearing from this guy on the street. Told him he won but has no strong mandate so start cutting.
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The difference in most of those REpubs and DEms is that one has an R, and the other a D after their name.  They just jockey around trying to keep themselves in office, with no regard for the nation.

It's a numbers game. 

Simple math.  They are both willing to sacrifice the vote of 2% to gain a share of votes from 98%. 

Unless there is a drastic change in mindset, gullible citizens will continue to vote them in until there is no more vote.

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The problem now is that this has ballooned out of control to where it can't be fixed.  Do the math.  We CANNOT pay this back now, there is not enough GDP in the US to pay off the debt and fulfill our obligations to SS and Medicare, etc.
We not only need the present, but in the next 20 years we need more than 50 trillion on top of it.
If you look at the cost of general government, without SS, medicare, medicaid, etc. we do not collect enough tax revenue to pay the bill.
If they tax every tax payer above $250,000 at 100% it is not enough.
Anarchy awaits as people see their government check disappear.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline BUGEYE

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Two to one majorities support the president’s position on protecting Medicare and Social Security.
BS alert.... obama stole 716 billion from medicare to help finance his communist manifesto, aka obama care,  so how is taking 716 billion from medicare, protecting it??????
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Offline Defoe

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Two to one majorities support the president’s position on protecting Medicare and Social Security.
BS alert.... obama stole 716 billion from medicare to help finance his communist manifesto, aka obama care,  so how is taking 716 billion from medicare, protecting it? ??? ??
Good post...

Offline jimster

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Obama Has Convinced Nearly Half of Republicans to Raise Taxes on the Wealthy
That sounds about right to me...since "nearly half" are not paying anything at all. Of course they need someone else to pay more. What's the big news in this? That eventually the mob majority will take what the minorities have?  So what's new? Socialists had slaves for years, when it was not popular anymore, they enslaved them feeding and housing them, this of course includes all colors and backgrounds of many people.
Not too hard to convince nearly half the people to grab what someone else has after you make them poor and dependent.

Offline mcwoodduck

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The problem is Obama wants to go over the fiscal cliff and blame the Republicans.
The Republicans are trying to act in good faith and give a little to get a little and if increasing the taxes by 2% instead of three and getting some spending restraints.
The problem is we have a president that is trying to fundamentally change the country and to do that he needs to stop economic growth to take more and more and drive us deeper into communism. 
Before the ellection the President wanted 800 million in new taxes on the rich, now he wants 1.6 Billion.  If the republicans were to give him 1.6 Billion in new taxes he will want more.  No matter what the republican try to work out as a plan the president will say "NO need more" and not offer a plan of his own so he can still say he is trying to work to keep us from the cliff.

Offline BUGEYE

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we have a president that is trying to fundamentally change the country and to do that he needs to stop economic growth to take more and more and drive us deeper into communism. 

anyone who can't see that is either blind or insane...
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Offline ironglow

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  Starting with Obama..but including many who carry a R or D suffix..  Many politicians lead by polls, rather than by principles!
    Fact is, I doubt the bulk of them have any principles..other than hanging onto "what's theirs"..while allowing the nation to slip into the abyss..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)