Author Topic: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...  (Read 976 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« on: December 06, 2012, 05:14:07 AM »
    The Syrian dictator apparently has ordered the gas ready.  Obama said there would be serious consequences if they did.
  What happens now?  What happens if they do use the WMD?  Will Obama do anything? 
  Right now. in light of the loss of respect we have earned over the last 4 years..the administration is begging the Russians to do something..
  If the Russians say..NYET!.. what will Obama do?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2012, 06:16:51 AM »
couldn't be.  our resident liberals have been screaming for days now that assad doesn't have any. :o
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Offline Anna

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 02:05:02 PM »
Wow! I saw all those reagents on telaversion. The labels were all in English..!

That means nothing , like with airline traffic all being in only English. 80% of all nuclear, chemical or
biological agents are labeled in English. Below that or on a different label you will find in smaller print.
Seperate nomenclature denoting the country of origin in their native tounge .
Ser#, production and expiration dates, lot #, acquisition #, all following the same info in English.
I've seen this kind of stuff before and it came from Holland. And it sure was not tulips or wooden
shoes !

Offline Anna

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2012, 05:15:57 AM »
TM7, I'm aware of your facts that English was printed on these devices. You can NOT live near
highway 62/180 ( nuclear alley ) without seeing things like this being trucked by all of the time.
And there us no doubt that these things came out of a western country, but there is no proof that
country was the US or Great Britain . In fact that would be highly unlikely considering the nature
of these kinds of weapons. The Netherlands or some other place in Europe would be my guess.

  Syria flashing around these weapons in front of the MSM with English printed on them is a silly
propaganda scheme to me. Serving only to further more anti American sentiment, we are a lot more
discreet with our doomsday devises than this. Of course we do have Sandia and Los Alamos labs as well as white sands all along that route. As well as Holloman AFB, Ft Bliss , and the German Luftwaffe
air base down there also. You didn't name names, and I agree it is suspicious but the world needs
to remember one thing I have been trying to stress here for some  time .

In today's modern warfare theaters, using nuclear and chemical weapons are a mutually assured destruction scenario with no real winners. And us and Russia gladly gave these up a long time ago
as being any true answer to destroying an enemy. Especially one with natural resources and an
Infrastructure that you would like to keep in tact and capture minus your enemy. Think about it guys,
a simple super bug would take an enemy down immediately .Causing and use of any nuclear weapons
they had to be used by them on their own populations as a cleansing measure alone. We are ignoring
this fact, after this we just could sit back and let that bug run its course.

With our own troops inoculated against it, they could just walk in and mop up the rest without firing
a shot. This is the face of a very powerful WMD and you better believe that it exist! Test on these
monsters have shown a completely debilitated enemy infrastructure within 72 hours.
Even their medical responders would be useless, just look what small pox did to the Aztec Empire!
500 Spaniards wiped out two million Aztecs in as little as two weeks, Cortez walked back in and took
what he wanted. Causing Spain to take a very close look at this fact. My money is on the bugs, and
history bears this out. Why go through a lengthy and expensive war when you could just say.
Hay , they all just got the flu, I didn't have anything to do with that ! Maybe they should have
controlled their borders a little better.

Offline jlwilliams

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2012, 05:21:03 AM »
We can all rest easy.  The UN says 'no confirmed reports'.  I'm feeling warm and fuzzy already, just knowing the UN is on the case.

Offline Anna

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2012, 06:11:40 AM »
We can all rest easy.  The UN says 'no confirmed reports'.  I'm feeling warm and fuzzy already, just knowing the UN is on the case.

Yea me too, lets just say a soldier exposed to a chemical weapon screws up with his protective gear
and gets some on him or on one of his buddy's . That my friends is a localized accident that could be
halted right there. But a biological agent ? First of all that soldier my not know he is infected, and
could spread this bug to a lot of his buddy's and them to their buddy's and so on.

If it was not detected that soldier might come home on R&R and infect his family. Then his kids infect
other kids in school the next day. These bugs can be engineered any way you would want them to
be as far as showing any symptoms depending on what your goals were. So lets look at that,
call it a conspiracy theory or what ever. We have bird flu that mutated cross species to a form of
swine flu with our inoculation preventatives being made in China ?

Unprotected borders have brought us as a population new viral strains of Spinal Meningitis, and a new form bacterial Leprosy. As well as a man flying cross country in an enclosed airplane with a form of
TB we hadn't encountered yet or he would never been allowed on that plane. Test ? Who knows, but
keep an eye on the CDC and how they have been conducting their affairs lately. Quick control, but
where did these bugs come from and why are they showing up just now ?

A resurgence of Polio, Small Pox, and other nightmares medical people tell me they have never seen
before. Like Cancer causing viruses, that only go into remission to come back later on much stronger.
So you can keep your chemical or nuclear weapons, they are only localized theater weapons with
uncontrollable side effects. Bugs can not only target a section of a population, but its race as well.
Their path of destruction is predictable, if by anything else by the living habits of the targeted group.
I'm not saying that AIDS is one of these, it works to slowly to be a weapon anyway. But it is a prime example of this by who it effected by what their lifestyle was.

Think what could happen if a popular nationwide fast food restaurant had one of its main ingredients
infected even without their knowledge ?  One million served a day would most assuredly get the ball rolling. And we can only detect what it is that we are aware of exist. Buns and pickles, tomatoes and
sauce are not subjected to the kind of heat that could kill these things off .

Offline BBF

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2012, 10:00:05 AM »
Hmm, I recall a book called White plague or Pestilence :-\ that had dealt with targeted gender bio warfare of sorts.
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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2012, 07:59:10 AM »
What will obama do if Syria uses WMDs?  Well, unless he has more consideration for the Syrian people than he did for the ambassador and our agents in Bengahazi, he'll sit on his hands with his thumbs up his butt.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2012, 09:43:52 AM »
What will obama do if Syria uses WMDs?  Well, unless he has more consideration for the Syrian people than he did for the ambassador and our agents in Bengahazi, he'll sit on his hands with his thumbs up his butt.
Since the rebels are affiliated with al- qaeda, which side is worse?  maybe they can kill each other till they are all dead.
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Offline FourBee

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2012, 01:36:31 PM »

Since the rebels are affiliated with al- qaeda, which side is worse?  maybe they can kill each other till they are all dead.

It appears it may eventually come to that.
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Offline BBF

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2012, 05:15:20 AM »
Russia has naval forces to protect Russians in Syria, could they also keep one eye on more foreign intervention?
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Syrians are preparing the sarin gas...
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2012, 11:13:30 PM »
Anna is correct in that English is the universal language of science and technology, this from a linguist on a linguistics forumL
   " The study investigated college students’ views of the status of English and Arabic in Saudi Arabia, and their attitudes towards using English and Arabic as a medium of instruction at the university level. Findings showed that 96% of the participants consider Findings indicated that the students consider English a superior language, being an international language, and the language of science and technology, research, electronic databases and technical terminology.  82% believe that Arabic can be used as a medium of instruction in religion, history, Arabic literature and education, whereas English is more appropriate for teaching medicine, pharmacy, engineering, science, nursing, and computer science. They gave many educational, vocational, technological, social reasons for favoring the English language. The study concluded that Arabic is facing a serious threat by the dominance of English language in all arenas, lack of language planning and linguistic policies that protect, develop and promote the Arabic language, slow Arabicization processes in the Arab world, and dearth of technical material translated and published in Arabic."
   It doesn't mean we English speakers are in any way superior to anyone else; it simply means that in the science and technology explosion of the last couple centuries, most of the development came about in nations with English as the dominant language..
  BTW:  Those WMD which Syria has is probably the same WMD which Saddam didn't send ;)  by way of convoys..just before his regime was crushed..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)