I'll say, I bought a set of Tru-Glo TFO's for one of my Glocks...
I like them they are fast and easy to acquire. BUT I feel accuracy suffers as I'm at least more prone to cover and squeeze instead of align and squeeze. That is akin to compairing a pattern to a group. That might be OK for a defensive pistol, but not so good on a hunting gun.
I bought one for my 22M single six. I am on the fence and my go back. My PMR-30 has them as does my Single -Nine, seems to be the norm now or lately.
I like a nite site front, for lo light and have relied on a brass bead or insert in the past and tend to like the brass better. The brass makes me be more careful with alignment, yet at the same time easier to acquire under most light conditions. Another choice is good old ivory. (White plastic) I added a green ''pipe'' on my Henry 22Mag. It is quite brite. But I think I am going to a fine brass bead as this gun is very accurate and I don't want to restrict that.
YES, they can be fragile, don't kid yourself! Apply the super glue AHEAD of the tube falling out because it WILL usually sooner than later.
Good thing is its not too expensive, 20-30$ so try it and see if you like it for yourself. You can always go back!
Good luck,