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Offline huntswithdogs

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One went came home
« on: December 30, 2012, 08:56:36 AM »
last Christmas, I got me a new BH Flattop. After shooting it all year, I came to the conclusion that we needed to part company. A buddy wanted it and offered to do some trading. I shot his trafe material, a Glock 22, but it didn't "feel" right to me. I declined the trade. When he asked my cash price, he gladly paid what I wanted and went home happy carrying his "new" 45.
I'd decided that I wanted an auto of some kind, just wasn't sure which one. Another buddy showed me his new XDm 5.25 on day at the range. Shoot Howdy! this thang felt and pointed great! He'd just finished shooting the last of his ammo so I didn't get to shoot it, but went home directly and started checking out the XDMs on line. Decided that a 9mm compact was what the Dr ordered. After checking at a couple of the large local stores, I stopped by the small (privately owned) shop just down the road. When i walked n the door, I made a beeline for where he keeps his Springfields. Sitting right out front against the glass was a compact marked "used". When I asked to see it, he sat the whole thang on the counter in front of me. Gun, mags(4), holster, mag holder,extra grip pieces and speed loader all contained in a nifty case. It's 45acp...I was wondering, how it would do/be with recoil.?Is it controllable? Do I want to become a brass chaser?
He musta had XRay VISION or something. I asked the price, he told me the exact amount I had in my pocket, out the door. 30 mintues later I'm the proud owner of a XDm Compact in 45acp.
As for my questions about controllability, it very pleasant to shoot and a lot more accurate than I am. I've had no failure to feed or failure to fire. It has digested 180LSW, 200LSW and 230RN without a hitch. I had to buy a holster other than using the supplied one. Being a lefty has it's limitations. It carries well whether inside or outside the waistband. Probably gonna end up with a second one when the money thing comes together. I'll be buying a 9mm yet.


Offline Brett

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 02:03:37 AM »
Cool.  Sounds like you are happy as a clam at high tide.  Will this be a daily CCW?
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Offline huntswithdogs

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 06:03:38 AM »
For the most part, yes. I bought a ISWB holster from Uncle Mikes that's alright(not the greatest but it works for now). The one I bought at the time of purchase is a high rise outside the waist band. I carries well as long as I'm wearing Levis. Wrangler belt loop are too close together for proper fit. May have to look into some kind of paddle holster. With the short magazine it snugs right in there. The extended mag pokes me a bit.


Offline ShootnStr8

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2012, 06:11:57 AM »

Congrats on the XDm!!! XDm's are sweet especially in 45 ACP. I like the way you can adjust the grip by changing the inserts.  XDms suit me so much better than Glocks.  Glad you got one while the gittin' is good!

Happy New Year!

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Offline huntswithdogs

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2012, 07:18:09 AM »
Like stated earlier, and I'm glad to hear someone else say the same thing, Glocks just don't feel right to me. I know plenty who own them and plenty who want them, so they must be pleasing someone, just not me. I do need to figure out the deal with the grip pieces. Will changing from say the thick one down to the narowest one make ya shoot higher or lower? Or is it just a comfort thang?


Offline Savage

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2012, 11:46:24 AM »
The grip inserts are a fit and comfort thing. If the sights are on the target and the trigger press is clean, you get hits. Take it from an old 1911/CZ/HiPower guy you can learn the grip angle on the Glock. After taking time to get familiar with it, I shoot the Glocks in matches almost exclusively.
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2013, 01:04:10 AM »
Glunks !  ;D ;)

Offline Savage

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2013, 03:23:38 AM »
Sure, Bill. Bet you have a couple stashed around for emergencies. Come on out of the closet!
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Offline ShootnStr8

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2013, 04:04:59 AM »
Happy New Year!!!

Didn't mean to start a flame against Glocks!  They are obviously great handguns.  I personally prefer the XDm over them just as I prefer chocolate over vanilla. 

I think generally grips are a comfort thing but I do believe that fit affects the way you shoot.  At the very least, a pistol that fits is a pleasure to shoot and is shot more.

Savage rightly pointed to sight picture and trigger press.  Grip can affect the way your finger rests on the trigger and consequently can affect the way you shoot.  Please see:

I know putting Hogue grips really helped the way I shoot a Ruger Mark II.  I didn't like shooting that pistol much before but love shooting it now and do pretty well with it.

Here is an helpful discussion on handgun fit:


There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.
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Offline Brett

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2013, 04:20:17 AM »
The grip inserts are a fit and comfort thing. If the sights are on the target and the trigger press is clean, you get hits. Take it from an old 1911/CZ/HiPower guy you can learn the grip angle on the Glock. After taking time to get familiar with it, I shoot the Glocks in matches almost exclusively.

GLOCKs have a lot going for them, can't argue with that.  Generally rock solid dependable, plenty accurate right out of the box and lots of aftermarket goodies available for them.  Sort of the 10/22 of handguns.
But with so many other good guns out there why take the time to learn the grip angle of any gun... why not just find one that fits and points naturally for you and run with it?   Personally I found the Springer XD and  S&W M&P just feel and point more naturally for me and really would have been happy with either of them but went with the M&P because it's made in the USA, backed by a lifetime warranty and a top notch customer service dept.   
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Offline Savage

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2013, 08:20:13 AM »
All good points Brett. My introduction to Glocks came about through carrying one as a duty weapon. Seemed like a good idea to learn to shoot it as well as possible. Still quite a shock for an old 1911 guy. Over time I grew to appreciate the reliability and serviceability of the platform. Not to mention I could shoot them really well. The greatest advantage the Glock has over the other poly service pistols is the ease of repair/parts replacement by the owner using only improvised tools if required. And I'd be safe in saying there's more parts available from multiple sources than most any other platform. I like the M &P very much as well. If logistics were not an issue, I could live with the M & P for sure. The Glocks are my social pistols, might as well stay familiar with them.
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Offline Brett

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2013, 10:29:10 AM »
I understand.  Your situation is a little different... you have to dance with the girl the brass assigns to you.  So it only makes sence to get to know her.  Us civies get to choose our partners so we aren't stuck with someones fat cousin.   ;D

I'm hoping that the M&Ps prove to be every bit as reliable and popular as the GLOCKs and that more after market parts providers will take notice of them.  So far my full size M&P.40  has been great.  It's not my daily carry due to it's size and weight (I usually carry a Kel-tec P11) but it does accompany me when I have to work nights in not so nice areas.
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Offline Savage

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2013, 12:56:25 AM »
If you'd like to improve the trigger on your M & P, take a look at the Apex trigger systems. A couple of the guys I compete with have them. It makes a great M & P trigger. Inexpensive and easy to install as well.
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Offline dakotashooter2

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2013, 06:43:16 AM »
Honestly I don't know... Thus far I am still kicking myself for most of the guns I have sold. Particularly my 788 and several ruger single sixes. The only one I don't miss is the Jennings (gone full auto) that found the bottom of the lake.
Just another worthless opinion!!

Offline Brett

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Re: One went came home
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2013, 04:06:44 PM »
If you'd like to improve the trigger on your M & P, take a look at the Apex trigger systems. A couple of the guys I compete with have them. It makes a great M & P trigger. Inexpensive and easy to install as well.

Yup, I've read a lot of good reports about the Apex trigger systems on the S&W web site.  Just shooting and dry firing has seemed to smooth up my trigger considerably.  I'm pretty happy with it the way it is now but if I ever have a trigger component failure I may replace with the APEX Duty/Carry Action Enhancement Kit (DCAEK). 

As I mentioned it is used as a CCW so I'm a little hesitant to going with the lighter Competition AEK. 
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