Author Topic: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.  (Read 1129 times)

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Offline Anna

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2012, 12:46:53 PM »
You can say that again, but he does allow you to profit from your hard work.

Offline Dee

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2012, 12:53:36 PM »
What does he do? Agree not to shoot you, if you pay up? He's a Socialist-Marxist, that manipulates the government, controls commerce, and tweeks it to serve HIS goals, which is to STAY IN POWER. His underlings are "underlings". He is a RULER, a low key dictator of sorts.
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Offline Anna

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #32 on: December 30, 2012, 01:15:47 PM »
So I guess that is why so many small businesses from all over the world, want to or are looking into
relocateing to Russia ? And why so many of those email wives are leavening here to go back home ?
Because my friend , they found out that America was the land of the not so free long before Obama was ever even a Senator. 

Offline Dee

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #33 on: December 30, 2012, 03:25:46 PM »
So when are you movin to Russia if you think Putin has a better deal there, than here?
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2012, 03:55:31 PM »
One thing I can say about Putin--- he is a Russian patriot. He will work with the US up to a point, but he will NOT hurt Russia or Russians just to get favor from the US. And, slow as it may seem to us, the Russian economy is improving, and is set to boom. Russia has been building trade agreements with the other BRIC countries, especially since Putin got into its politics. They are all set, and they won't be dependent on the US dollar.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

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Offline lgm270

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #35 on: December 30, 2012, 05:16:53 PM »
I'm a great admirer of Putin.  He's a Russian Nationalist and has talked about improving the life of his people and the need to get the birth rate up.  Every other national leader is taking about more abortions and too many people.   Putin is Pro-Life, unlike Obama who thinks it's OK to kill children who survive botched abortions.

Offline Anna

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2012, 12:34:26 AM »
I'm a great admirer of Putin.  He's a Russian Nationalist and has talked about improving the life of his people and the need to get the birth rate up.  Every other national leader is taking about more abortions and too many people.   Putin is Pro-Life, unlike Obama who thinks it's OK to kill children who survive botched abortions.

No one is going to move, not to Russia anyway. But I admire him also, he does practice his Christian
faith in his later years. You may admire the way a Mako shark looks and lives, but it doesent mean
you want to get in the water with it ! I was amazed the way he stood up to both the Bush's, and he
did warn "W" about getting into any prolonged police action in Afghanistan.
He never did stop his submarines from playing cat and mouse war games with ours. Somthing that
dates back decades with them doing . He never has allowed them to do that with China.

His Navy up in the Bearing Straights has always actively cooperated with ours to ensure safety in
that region. They also are the most active Navy guarding the coastlines of Iceland, and they have
never threatened our military presence there . He is no real fan of Castro or Chavez, but Venezuela
is a major source of oil for him and Cuba a valuable sea port. So before we say anything about who
he is in league with we need to look in the mirror , we deal with some very shady characters also.
Putin may try and cooperate with Obama, but Putin sees him as a loose cannon on the international
scene. A wanna be commie can not fool a man that was once the KGB.

Last night I saw a news segment on this adoption question on RT channel 280 on dish. It was the
Russian side of this and it was exactly what I said it would be. Putin does not think that Washington
is providing enough protection through our laws for these children. It stems from the death of a
small boy who was locked in a car for nine hours in the summer heat for crying. The boy died and
all the parents got was a slap on the wrist and a small fine. Putin has asked our courts to address
this problem or he said he would put an end to it. Nothing substantial has been done, hay kids are
dieing here and Putin has done what some of you here said you wanted to see, we can now just
adopt our own .

But lets get the story right before we swallow what our media is telling us hook line and sinker. And
to those who ask why doesn't Russia provide more money to help these kids ? They are and have
been all along through charity's that set up areas of aid to these kids and the people who adopt them.
RT is running this story off and on so you may want to catch it. It's telling a totally different angle
to this and it has nothing to do with politics or revenge, it has to do with children and bad parents.
So who now has the old PRAVDA in the sense of the word and who doesn't ? But the new Pravda has
an article about this on their web page. It isn't about politics, we are making it that way. It's about
these kids and once more the world is watching so who's side do we think they are going to believe ?

I'm just the messenger don't get mad at me.

Offline Anna

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2012, 01:16:29 AM »
You know guts it might just be that this time we have become the bad guys. Politically speaking with
China requiring people to go and visit their elderly parents , and Russia taking steps to protect
children who come here. It doesn't matter what we think its how we are starting to look.
Obama said he would regain our respect in the world, we are more hated now than we ever have
been with a lunatic at the helm. With a media that all it tells is lies in support of that lunatic.
Germany 1936. And the real world has seen this before, we are not fooling anyone.

Offline gendoc

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Re: Putin to ban Americans from adopting russian children.
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2012, 01:48:23 AM »
Obama said he would regain our respect in the world, we are more hated now than we ever have
been with a lunatic at the helm. With a media that all it tells is lies in support of that lunatic.
Germany 1936. And the real world has seen this before, we are not fooling anyone.

in tha meen time, i'm wait'n for tha  7th trumpet ta sound !!!

gotta big green tractor ana diesel truck, my idea of heaven's chasin whitetail bucks and asa country boy, you know i can survive............

hey boy, hit this mason jar one time...
burn ya lil'bit did'nt it. ya ever been snipe hunt'n ?  come on...

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.