Author Topic: House Rules  (Read 1632 times)

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Offline Mac11700

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House Rules
« on: February 08, 2004, 08:16:37 AM »
Hey Guys:

I'm glad a-lot of the past  NEF talk Forum members have found their way here,with more arriving each day,and all the new members that didn't even know anything about our Handi Rifles.We all owe GBO Management a Great Big Thank-You for allowing us space to continue sharing our ideas and chatting about our Handi Rifles/shoutguns/muzzleloaders.

We have some very simple rules to follow,unlike what was allowed on the previous site.

No cussing,No nudity,No talking about a couple of forums that don't like Graybeards,No slamming other posters here,we don't need flamming wars here,and don't post a link to another site to get people to leave here and join there.

This is a site that all members of different families come to enjoy...other than that, have a good time and enjoy all that this site has to offer.

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline VarmintController

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House Rules
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2004, 08:40:25 AM »
MAC/DUCE<------- be glad to live by your rules, but i got to know a couple things so i can follow them. #1 does putting something like"BS" count as cussing?? #2 what forums cant we talk about?? and #3 no slamming other posters, i got to know does that mean i cant tell someone there an idiot for using a rifle to shoot squirrels in trees, or drinking 12 packs of beer at the range?? i can see no big old fights, but we should be able to tell someone they are being dumb if they are?? i just would like to know so i can live with these rules you guys have set in place. and no i am not being a smart ass, i am being honest and would like a little clarification. thanks guys. and thanks for our new home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would like to see it be a good one. and are we able to talk about the mods we have done to our guns here???
The Proud Owner Of AMERICAN Made Guns!

Offline Graybeard

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House Rules
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2004, 09:34:26 AM »
#1 does putting something like"BS" count as cussing??


#2 what forums cant we talk about??

Well one of them is on the censored word list so if you find a string of asteriks replacing your name or link to a forum you've found that one. I can't post it here any more than you could. That one will take care of itself so to speak.  :)  The other is Accurate Reloading. The ONLY reason I say this is because there are a bunch of guys there who were booted from here who can't seem to let go and just keep on keeping on sayin the most vile and dispicable things about me personally and this site. At the same time they just keep on trying to get back to read and post on this site they say they hate so badly. If you just gotta comment on it please just use AR and let it go at that. I have nothing against the site owner but that group of trouble makers sure are a nice bunch. :roll:

#3 no slamming other posters, i got to know does that mean i cant tell someone there an idiot for using a rifle to shoot squirrels in trees, or drinking 12 packs of beer at the range??

Yes actually it does. Now you can tell them such acts are not so very smart and reflect badly on all of us. If someone persists in making such comments chances are they will be history here soon enough. But it isn't acceptable to sink to their level thru name calling or personal attacks. Just let me and the Moderators deal with such folks. Even if they are idiots please don't call them that.  :lol:

i can see no big old fights, but we should be able to tell someone they are being dumb if they are??

Yeah I kinda agree with that. But do so in a nice way. OK to say something like, "Wow, to me that seems kinda dumb" and follow up with why. It is NOT OK to say, "man you are one dumb cookie, that's the stupiest thing I've ever heard". One is correcting what you see as stupid or dangerous practice. The other is a personal attack.

and are we able to talk about the mods we have done to our guns here???

Guess I have no real problem with that. Just understand up front that the management of this site DOES NOT condone any unsafe practices or modifications. Please make sure you use some kinda such caveat in your post to make it clear this is your modification and while you consider it safe in your gun it might or might not be in others and that GBO in no way endorses this modification. Neither you nor I have any control over how someone else does the mod to their gun. How they do it might make it unsafe even if it is perfectly safe in yours.

For the most part all I ask of folks visiting here is to use common sense and to be nice. Keep it clean enough so the wife and kids won't be offended and yeah that includes the wife and kids of folks in Christian homes. Or Muslim, Bhuddist, etc.

The really bad cuss words that are just absolutely not acceptable here under any circumstances have been added to the automatic censor list. Not a lot of them really but they are just not acceptable in mixed company like this. If you see a group of asteriks come up understand you just tried to use one. Leave the asteriks in place. Don't try to be creative in getting around them. That will get you and me crossways with each other. If it posts, chances are it isn't a word that will get me too upset at the use of it. If it generally fits into the category called "cuss words" or cursing then you know that it does. As adults we should be able to talk without the use of such but at times their use as "spice" or for emphasis isn't too objectionable. Just be sure any that fit that category are used ONLY as spice and not as a continual major part of the discussion.

If you have more questions ask. As I said for the most part it is just plain old fashioned common sense and propriety we are looking for here.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Offline Daveinthebush

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Mac11700 is doing a good job!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2004, 09:36:05 AM »
Mac11700 is doing a good job and trying to follow the rules.  Since I have been here for quite a bit longer I will try to assist him.

MAC/DUCE #1 does putting something like"BS" count as cussing??
Most of us use a little lite levity from time to time. What we don't want to do on a Family Site is to directly offend someone. Euphenisms and colloquialisms once considered taboo by the media are now becoming a way of daily life. It is our obligation as members of the culture in which we were raised to decide whether we want to allow it or not. Young children and women all post here.

#2 what forums can't we talk about??
Specifically Mike Bellm and Accurate have not always met eye-to-eye with us here.  I have no problems with anyone. It does not mean from time to time that they are not mentioned.  I have mentioned them myself. The idea is not to dwell in an argument about the two and stick to facts and personal experiences that may directly assit someone in a decision.

#3 no slamming other posters, i got to know does that mean i cant tell someone there an idiot for using a rifle to shoot squirrels in trees, or drinking 12 packs of beer at the range??
There are politically correct and polite ways to express ones opinions without direct assults on their intelligence or lack of.  You do not know who you are responding to; it might be a child, female, animal rights protester, FBI......  Certainly using a center fire rifle to shoot squirrels from trees in many states is illegal and unsafe. You might want to remind that person of the law, quote it directly or in someway express to him/her how dangerous that might be.

As for drinking at the range. GB and most all the posters on this site will agree with me that this is not how we want to be represented to the media and other people that read these forums.  There is no place for that kind of activity and shooting. It is one of the number one rules of gun safety: Firearms and slcohol don't mix!.

i can see no big old fights, but we should be able to tell someone they are being dumb if they are??
Because there are more constructive things to do in life like shooting, camping and fishing! :grin:

Hopefully I have helped you.
AK Bowhunting Certification Instructor
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Offline VarmintController

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House Rules
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2004, 11:39:40 AM »
work for me guys, like i said on one other post i am new the this message board thing other then the old H&R board i had 1.5 years on that board., and i dont want to offend/ get people upset with me. i give the mods, and good old GB himself my word i will do my very best to keep things clean, i will keep it stuff that would be fine in front of my young children. and thanks for all the great respones to my questions.  the more i here from the guys that run this the more i like this site. and these icons are so great!!!!!
The Proud Owner Of AMERICAN Made Guns!

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"Ignorance".... the tactful way...
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2004, 02:57:26 PM »
In some of our Hunter Education classes, we use the term "ignorant", which means "a lack of knowledge" about a particular item or subject. This suffices in place of "stupid" often, and along with "lack of common sense" works most of the time without it getting "personal". Yet, we get the point across to the students that it is unwise to "show your ignorance" in front of your hunt'n buddies by not following SAFE GUN HANDLING PROCEDURES and embarrassing yourself in the process.

I once had one of my military drill sargeants give the following definition.

TACT: The ability to tell a person to "Go to 'hades'!" (you know the right word) in such a manner that they ask you for directions.

 :eek:  :-D  :twisted:  :idea:

Offline Bis

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« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2004, 04:18:28 PM »
Graybeard- thanks for allowing us H&R refuges a place to discuss our problems and questions. I was a fairly new guy there (known as kbisbee) but learned so much from that group of people that no book could cover. As far as I could see everyone acted in a very professional manner and I hope they will continue to do so. Thanks again.  Ken

Offline Wlscott

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House Rules
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2004, 04:43:45 PM »
TACT: The ability to tell a person to "Go to 'hades'!" (you know the right word) in such a manner that they ask you for directions.


I  have to a slightly different take on the ignorance thing though.....

If you've never been shown, or taught gun saftey, you are ignorant.  If you have been instructed in firearms safety, but purposefully (is that a word?) handle a gun in an unsafe manner, you are stupid.  

By the way, that was a pretty tactful way to disagree with you on the ignorance thing....wasn't it :wink:
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Offline Mac11700

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Sorry for my late reply
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2004, 01:09:52 AM »

Sorry for the late reply,but I see the management has answered better than I could.

Thanks Greybeard...and ThankYou too  Dave.

I just thought if would be ok to have the "House Rules" up for everyone to see at the beginning,in a no-nonsense manner.I'm sorry that I didn't make myself a little clearer.

I just don't want to see the same thing happen here,as what happened there at NEF's forum..I like it here very much,and sometimes the free for all attitude is so easy to slip back into,espescially coming from a mostly un-moderated site as we did. Some folks think that they can say whatever they want,and not be held accountable for it,and here that just isn't the case.There are some who may call this censorship...that's not the case at all.It just an enforcement of some very simple rules of conduct,that have been sorely  lacking in a-lot of peoples posting on other sites.,and which lead to 2 of thier demise.

We all are here feel that being cival is better than being rude and obnoxious.We believe that being a true Sportsman,is better than being a poacher,or that alcohol and firearms don't and never should mix,and that safe gun handling is taught to our chiildren and family and practiced till it's second nature to us.

I know that I may make some mistakes here and there,I'm only human,but I will try my best  to be fair in making judement calls on anyones post,and I will call upon the management here to help me or correct me if I be the one in the wrong. You'll find that  I'm not afraid of admitting my mistakes and being man enough to own up to them.

A person is only as good as their word.

Mac11700 Grandmother when she was 99 years old told me at a family gathering(35 years ago) that if  you felt a person was Ignorant.. he probaly had been taught wrong,and you should give him the correct information...if you felt he was Stupid...he was probably born that way and there wasn't anything you could do except pity the fool,and leave him be...  :wink:

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline B.Davis

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« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2004, 07:24:04 PM »
Whatever the rules,I'm sure we can all have as much fun here as we did on the H&R forum.
 Just happy to have a new home.

Offline BeigOLDOC

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« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2004, 12:14:05 PM »
:D  Everyone! Glad to see  :wink: ya'll! will enjoy communicateing w/t  "Old" hands again.Regards Oldoc  :grin:
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Offline Mac11700

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Where ya been?
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2004, 06:57:39 PM »
Well it's about time :-D  :-D  :D  :-D  :-D

Glad you made it !!!!!!

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Offline marv

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« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2004, 12:33:29 AM »
Hello Beig oldoc :D  Glad see you found  the new site, :roll:
Take care Marv.

Offline Funhunter

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Ignorance and stupidity.
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2004, 12:45:05 PM »
Ignorance is cured of through education, stupidity is often forever. (somtimes fatal)

Funhunter   :D

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« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2004, 05:26:18 AM »
:D , BiegOLDOC, Glad you made it, now if SafetySheriff could find his way here perhaps we could all watch some of the good natured high spirited discussions we all used to enjoy so much!!!! Perhaps someone could lay down a trail of breadcrumbs for SS to follow here....<><.... :)
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley