Got a nice gift from a friend, a 14" .30-30 barrel. He picked it up along the way and doesn't have a TC anymore. The only problem is that the barrel has some severe rusting and pitting on the outer barrel. The Inside is in great shape. I have two ways to take care of this problem. One I could do the work myself, or two send it off the have it reblued. The rust seems to have pooled around the forend and is pitted.
I would use the barrel for deer hunting and don't know if I want to spend the money for the professional job. I was thinking of just getting some Blue Wonder and 0000 steel wool and cleaning it up that way. If I use it for the woods, I don't need a pretty barrel.
Any thoughts on this subject? I live in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Does anyone know a good place to send the barrel close by my home?