Yeah skidmark, I'd say that this article is unmistakably a direct reference to this topic. You also happened to pick what is perhaps the most relevant paragraph in the article, at least it's definitely the funniest in a sad way. What's highlighted in blue is the body of the joke, while the punchline is in red. This could have been lifted almost whole from the playbook of one of the so called agents (usually lawyers) representing some millionaire collectors of these guns. It is the same type of spiel that these so called agents use when trying to cajole CW guns out of the hands of folks that reportedly don't possess the right to sell them.
"The Sugar Grove Cemetery Association is interested in selling the cannons and replacing them with reproductions. Having the cannons on site is a liability, which increases insurance costs for the cemetery, said association president Mac McKibben. Additionally, cannons have been known to be stolen from cemeteries and the board could use the money, he added."
"Discussion involving selling the cannons started last summer with the three-man cannon commission, McKibben said. Other commission members are new Cemetery Superintendent Jay Wilson and Fred Ertel."
"The actual cannons are estimated to sell in the $50,000 range, while reproductions cost between $2,000 and $3,500, said McKibben, who is also with the Clinton County Veterans Services Commission."