You have an outstanding gun! The only reason that they fell behind is that Law enforcement wanted the latest toys that the feds and neighboring agencies were carrying.
I promise that you will never wear it out.
When you call Smith cusomer service, play stupid, after a few minutes of "it's a big gun, no, wait,it's a small gun" It's sick, it won't work etc etc, they will send you a label to ship it to them on their dime.
When you ship the gun, if you do, remove the grips and do not include any mags in the package. When you get it back, it will have new grips and a couple of mags.
Failure to hold open often a mag spring problem. Your trigger will wear in in time. Learn to make the magazine safety to work for you. It's a "kill" switch if someone wants to take your gun away from you.
If you buy extra magazines, get Meg-gars from Used LE 5906 magazines are often sold cheap. Keep your eyes open.