Author Topic: Need gas checks on some 44 bullets  (Read 637 times)

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Need gas checks on some 44 bullets
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:13:39 PM »
I have 100-200 beautifully cast 44 SWC Keith-style bullets that a friend did for me that need gaschecks. (He was out). Not having any cast lead dies, and my friend having moved away, is there any way I can use my regular 44 sizer die to seat the gas check? Any help would be appreciated.

Offline stimpylu32

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Re: Need gas checks on some 44 bullets
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 04:15:45 AM »
Your normal 44 sizer is not going to work , the GC needs to be slightly crimped to the base of the bullet and the sizer die is way too big to do that , at this point you have 2 options , either buy a Lee push-thru sizer or just get some Alox lube and shoot the bullets as they are .
I've shot GC bullets with out the check and have not had any real bad affects other than some mild leading of the barrel , and this was not bad enough to cause a headache when cleaning .
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Re: Need gas checks on some 44 bullets
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 01:47:51 AM »
one option you have is to glue them on. A little dab of epoxy should hold them. the other is to buy one of the lee cast bullet push through dies that goes on a standard press. Thing i have to ask though is if he didnt seat gas checks did he even lube the bullets? If not your best bet might be to just tumble lube them and use them at low velocitys for rolling beer cans.
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Offline bubbinator

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Re: Need gas checks on some 44 bullets
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 12:07:25 PM »
They were sized and lubed, he just was out of gas checks for the 44s.  I have loaded and shot a few but accuracy was not real good so just shelved them.  I'll scout around for somebody local that has a die and buy some gas checks.  Thanks for the replies all.

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Re: Need gas checks on some 44 bullets
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 05:59:14 PM »
Just a technicality but if they require gas checks they are NOT Keith style bullets. What they most likely are from is the Lyman 429244 mould which is a Thompson design. It is about my favorite bullet for the .44 magnum at full magnum levels down to medium velocity loads. I have two four cavity moulds to cast that bullet.

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