Author Topic: very interesting read how the NRA assisted blacks to defend themselves in 1957  (Read 421 times)

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Offline guzzijohn

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Negroes with guns

By Dr. Michael S. Brown
web posted January 7, 2002

The year was 1957. Monroe, North Carolina, was a rigidly segregated town where all levels of white society and government were dedicated to preserving the racial status quo. Blacks who dared to speak out were subject to brutal, sadistic violence.

It was common practice for convoys of Ku Klux Klan members to drive through black neighborhoods shooting in all directions. A black physician who owned a nice brick house on a main road was a frequent target of racist anger. In the summer of 1957, a Klan motorcade sent to attack the house was met by a disciplined volley of rifle fire from a group of black veterans and NRA members led by civil rights activist Robert F. Williams.

Using military-surplus rifles from behind sandbag fortifications, the small band of freedom fighters drove off the larger force of Klansmen with no casualties reported on either side.

Williams, a former Marine who volunteered to lead the Monroe chapter of the NAACP and founded a 60-member, NRA-chartered rifle club, described the battle in his 1962 book, "Negroes With Guns," which was reprinted in 1998 by Wayne State University Press.

According to Williams, the Monroe group owed its survival in the face of vicious violence to the fact that they were armed. In several cases, police officials who normally ignored or encouraged Klan violence took steps to prevent whites from attacking armed blacks. In other cases, fanatical racists suddenly turned into cowards when they realized their intended victims were armed.

Oddly, it appears that the organized armed blacks of Monroe never shot any of their tormentors. The simple existence of guns in the hands of men who were willing to use them prevented greater violence.

It is important to note that the guns were not used offensively. They were part of an overall strategy that relied primarily on peaceful protest like picketing or entering whites-only establishments. Williams demonstrated that the dignified and responsible use of firearms for self-defense was an important method to achieve justice for those denied fair treatment by all institutions of government.

The civil rights movement was deeply divided between those who espoused a pacifist, non-violent approach and those who believed that human beings had a right and a duty to use force in self-defense. Williams was the most influential leader of the self-defense wing of the movement.

His effort to provide guns and training to African-American civil rights supporters was alarming to white politicians. Most state gun control laws, not just in the South, were blatantly designed to keep guns out of the hands of blacks and other minorities. Those with racist beliefs were not pleased when blacks claimed the right to keep and bear arms that is guaranteed to all Americans.

The connection with the NRA might surprise some people who portray the organization as a haven for racist rednecks. Former NRA Executive Director Tanya Metaksa spoke with Williams before his death. She recalls, "He was very proud of being an NRA member and that the NRA sanctioned his club without question."

The civil rights organizations of today bear little resemblance to the deadly serious armed activists of Monroe. African-American leaders generally support the liberal white line that guns are evil and have no place in modern society.

On the other hand, small numbers of responsible black gun owners continue to honor their heritage by practicing their marksmanship and joining gun rights organizations. The tradition of the black gun club still lives on in the Tenth Cavalry Gun club, led by Ken Blanchard in Prince Georges County, Maryland.

While researching this column, I contacted Don Kates, a civil rights attorney who went to North Carolina in 1963 to participate in the movement. I asked if he ever carried a gun during those days and he responded with a list of a half-dozen that were always within reach. Kates also suggested that I read a letter written by an old friend of his from those days, John R. Salter, Jr., who is now Professor Emeritus at the University of North Dakota. Here are two brief quotes:

"In the early 1960's, I taught at Tougaloo College, a black school in Jackson, Mississippi. I was a member of the statewide board of the NAACP and was Chairman of the Jackson Movement. No one knows what kind of massive racist retaliation would have been directed at grass-roots black people had the black community not had a healthy measure of firearms within it."

"During most of the 1960's I did civil rights work in various parts of the South and almost always had with me a .38 special Smith and Wesson 2-inch-barrel revolver - what you would now erroneously call a "Saturday Night Special."

In 1962 the Monroe freedom fighters were overwhelmed by a huge mob that converged on the town. The Justice Department and the state police ignored calls for help. The rabid racists were aided by law enforcement who branded Williams a communist and a dangerous schizophrenic.

Rob Williams eluded an FBI manhunt and fled to Cuba, which he erroneously believed to be totally free of racism. Within five years he realized that Cuba was not as he had imagined and moved on to China. There he was treated as a celebrity and returned to the United States in 1969 with the quiet blessing of Richard Nixon.

Williams worked as a China scholar at the University of Michigan and reportedly advised Henry Kissinger on Chinese affairs. He died in 1996.

Dr. Michael S. Brown is an optometrist and member of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws, He may be reached

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Offline ironglow

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Nice story and I am please that neighborhood people were able to defend themselves.  It would be a good story anywhere and the NRA has done great things in many places.
     However; I am still trying to figure out why you felt it important to be especially concerned with, and take pains to stress the skin color of the folks who were defending their own neighborhood.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline guzzijohn

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I stressed nothing, simply posted the story. I was pleasantly surprised though to find open NRA support for those blacks considering the location and the era.

Offline ironglow

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I stressed nothing, simply posted the story. I was pleasantly surprised though to find open NRA support for those blacks considering the location and the era.
  I've been an NRA member for many years and can't recall a single time when race was ever considered either for or against, when doing business.  And that's the way it should be..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline lgm270

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GOP Neo-Con Condoleeza Rice talked about how her father and other black men armed themselves  with guns to defend against dirty rotten white the very same time blacks were fighting for Brown v. Bd. of Education, which forced public schools to maintain inventories of captive white children  to be distributed among class rooms like live stock, and for forced racial integration and civil rights laws that stripped white people of their rights of freedom of association.

Blacks hate  whites so much that they armed themselves to defend against us even as they did everything possible to attach themselves to  whites.

I've never understood the determination of non-whites to attach themselves to white people and white institutions even  as they express nothing but hatred and historic grievance toward  whites.

Now they're gloating about the dwindling white population and crowing about how whites are being edged toward extinction.  If that happens, with whom will they "integrate" their school classrooms when there are not enough whites for them to round up captive white children?