Author Topic: Coffee drinkers tips.  (Read 2239 times)

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Offline Veral

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Coffee drinkers tips.
« on: November 28, 2012, 05:01:51 PM »
  I have some bad things to tell you about coffee, yet I love the stuff, and have a hard time leaving it alone expecially when I'm tired in the mornings.  I have no problem quitting it.  I've done it hundreds of times.   Of coarse!

  A friend had a finger sawn off a while ago, and when the surgeons repair healed very rapidly the surgeon asked him if he knew why and told him his blood oxygen was wonderfully high.   He's a runner, a bit over 65 years old, and he doesn't drink coffee.  The medico told him  the reasons for his high blood oxygen is running and no coffee.  If you don't know it yet, high blood oxygen really puts the hurts on almost all sickness problems.

  Enter this heavy coffee drinker.   I've been VERY short winded for at least the last 15 years and suffer a lot of muscle pain after doing heavy work, like wood cutting in the high country, where the air is thin.  I tried dropping coffee (like I said it's easy.) , drinking lots of clean water to flush out the cafene and the pain and shortwindedness went away within a couple of days.  I still get out of wind when climbing, especially with a professional chainsaw in my hands, but I don't have to stop and gasp every few steps.  I can just plod steadily uphill to the destination, rarely stopping for wind, and I'm a bood 15 years older than when my shortwindedness began to bother me!  At almost 72, that is a VERY critical 15 years, far more so than say 40 to 55!

  After being off coffee for a couple of weeks I started drinking a cup in the morning if I find it hard to get moving, but pretty much restrickt it to one cup per day.  A one pint cup, rich but not strong by many peoples standards.    And my wind has stayed good.

  If you are hooked on it and don't want to have to leave a dear stand to pee every half hour, try eating the grounds, dry, or flushing them down with water.  One rounded teaspone will hold me a whole day as if I had drank coffee a couple of times.  The reason why this works, I believe, and I'm very studied on body chemistry, is that the acids are neutrilized in the grounds  once they hit the small intestine, which they will reach rather rapidly when taken with a good dose of water.   Gall from the gall bladder is injected into the small intestine whenever acedic contents are poured out from the stomach.   Whereas, when we drink brrewed coffee the high acid content is absorbed with the water carrying it, directly from the stomach walls into the blood, causing, acidec blood, which cancer and other such thrive on, and the buring need to urinate freequently.  By the way, the reason I had so much muscle pain is from excessive coffee acisd laid up in the tissue.

  Remember when I told you to swallow the grounds, I DID not say it was a culinary treat!  Just remember, I did say that I did not say it was a culinary treat!  Just try it when you need the boost of coffee but don't want to get off the freeway, or out of a tree stand  every hafl hour to drain the pain.
Veral Smith

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 10:49:14 PM »
Try adding ground coffee to boxed brownie mix, start with 1/4 to 2/3 cup then follow the instructions on the box for mixing and baking. Thy taste good and you can add more coffee the next time if you think you would like it stronger . We got this from the back of a boxed mix one time.

Offline Veral

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2012, 05:28:12 PM »
  That works very well,  or put it in a blender and make it finer if you don't like the 'texture'.

  I forgot to mention why I backed off on coffee.  I've developed a spare tire over the last few years and just could not go without eating 3 squares.  If I skipped a meal I'd get real weak and have to hit the feed bag.  My wife, who doesn't drink coffee, told me that if I'd knock off the coffee I could go much longer without eating.  She was right, of coarse.  I can easily skip breakfast and lunch, but need to eat by late afternoon, and the weight is pealing off in a delightful manner!  I've taken up one notch in my belt by reducing the chow only a few days.

  With that I can't help but wonder as I pass the busy cappachino stands which are everywhere anymore, if they aren't the largest contributor to adult obesity in the US.   I never saw one of those 'business's' until a few years ago.
Veral Smith

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 07:15:45 PM »
thanks for the tip.

were you referring to black coffee,
or creamed and sugared when you
say you drank so much?

i've pretty much gotten away from
the c&s bit because at my place the
humidity is so high, a container of
coffee creamer will be a brick a day
or two after opening.

and i agree, nothing like plain pure
water when working to knock out
the poison.
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline Veral

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2012, 05:19:24 PM »
  Plain black coffee, and I do add a little natural sugar or honey sometimes when I've reall tired.  Cream is benificial for the body, but creamer isn't cream, nor is it benificial.   A good way to test if a food is good or harmful is body feel, according to all nutritionists.   If you don't have more strength, less pain after consuming something, don't continue using it.  I've found it amazing how much better I feel if I adhere to  this doctrine.

  Creamer is one of the items which I've tried a few times but feel so bad after that I haven't used any in many years.  By bad I mean sluggish and digestive system knocked askew.
Veral Smith

Offline thales

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2012, 03:17:03 PM »
I love a few cups of coffee, too. But it can be impractical to take the time to brew coffee when you want it, and then take the time to drink the hot stuff. So what I do is keep a bottle of caffeine pills handy, like in the glove box of the pickup, especially when making a long trip. My favorite is No-Doz. They are small pills with a waxy coating with a light mint flavor that makes them easy to swallow with no water at all. I don't like Vivarin, because the pills are large, bitter, uncoated, and break up easily before you can get them down. No-Doz have been getting hard to find lately. I don't know why, they've been around more than fifty years and I don't see all that many people swearing off caffeine. But a good substitute is Jet-Alert. Got mine from Stay alert!

Offline Veral

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2012, 08:21:48 PM »
  Old crooked horse trader trick.  But the dumpy old broken down horse gets a handfull of 'buzz pill' and trots around real pretty when the rookie tries him out.  After he gets home the horse won't move without spurs in his ribs continually!

   If you ride horses in the hig h country and want them to feel a little better after the first day has their spice worn down, give them the same treat you take yourself, but just mix a good sized handful of coffe into his grain.  They love it and get the same feeling we do from it.  Won't hurt them a bit if you don't over do it.
Veral Smith

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2012, 12:00:17 PM »
Never tried it, because I like the taste of just brewed coffee. But heard that if you need a quick picker upper, just eat a spoon full of instant coffee. Follow with a glass of water. ?? Sounds reasonable, but I'll stick with my usual 2 cups in the morning. gypsyman
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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2012, 12:13:01 PM »
me 2 ...2 cups an all is good..... ;D   even my dr. says " what ever you do'n... continue !!" 8)
in tha meen time, i'm wait'n for tha  7th trumpet ta sound !!!

gotta big green tractor ana diesel truck, my idea of heaven's chasin whitetail bucks and asa country boy, you know i can survive............

hey boy, hit this mason jar one time...
burn ya lil'bit did'nt it. ya ever been snipe hunt'n ?  come on...

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.

Offline Veral

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2013, 12:39:02 PM »
  Trouble with the dry instant coffe followed by water is that it will make you have to drain the radiator as often as with brewed.  Eating the nasty dry grounds apparent'y changes the assimilation rate for various things in the coffee, so that you can drive and drive and drive without haveing to look for a good clump of brush to water the back side of.

  I told you about the friend who had his finger sawn off.    --   I think the 'phanthom'  appendage problem for amputees is well nown for most, but for those who don't know.   When an appendage is removed the person still feels it, and for this friend the pain which botherd him most was in the gone finger!  Most commonly the complaint one hears is itching that can't be itched away.  These problems, according to the friends doctor, drive most amputees to heavy drinking, and they REALLY bothered my friend, though he didn't take to alcolol.
  Being he's my friend, it bother me alwo, so I prayed for that phanthom to be taken away.  It is a part of the human 'spirit of life' given by God,  In other words the real power that makes our meat and pototoes turn into our human forms.  So I asked for that part of his spirit to be removed.  It happended and he has no more problems with it.    If you or a friend has this problem, consider my solution.  The same God who fixed my friend Rich can hear you as well as he did me.
Veral Smith

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2013, 01:01:31 PM »
  I noticed some typos just as I sent the previous post off and want back to try and edit it, but  can't fine the right window to punch.  So I'm leaving the typos and adding a comment to the last part.

  A majority of Christians don't have succes in getting supernatural results like I told about. 
  When you pray for a person, always talk to the person and ask if they want you to pray for them,  and put your hand on them when you pray.   Don't just pray for them without them knowing, as they MUST know that you asked and that your request was given, and who it was given by.  When God responds to a human request he does it to glorify himself, by making himself known as our father, or to show his love, etc.  In your prayer, whcich should be as simple as you can make it, ask for God, who should be addressed as Father, (the almighty Creator God to be exactly precise) to heal to show his love for that person, or his power.  We need to give him a good reason and these are two that he likes to make known.   And or, when you talk to the person, if they don't believe in The Almighty God, gete a committment from them that they will try  to get to know him  if he heals them.    Those requests have worked for me on hundreds of subjects, with about every ailement one can name.  A high percentage  of them in prison and peole who did not call themselves rightious.    If a person says he has complete trust or faith in a doctor, get inventive with your prayer, because if his faith is in a man, thinngs will depend on your own faith in God

   You'll notice that I named The Almighty God and The Creator God.  That is a very specific defination that the others can't answer two.

  I try not to start religious topics like this on my forum because I get carried away,  Like now, I have to add a bit more about faity.     Websters dictionary defines faith as  'a strong belief that something hoped for will be obtained.  The Bible defines faith as 'The substance of things hoped fore, the evidence of things not seen."   Ponder both of those to some length.  Your faith or belief, can be in your self, which will defeat your efforts to get supernatural results.  Our belief MUST be that The Almighty God is listening, is capable and willing."   Wrap you minds around these few words and see how your problems begin 'getting worked out' in a powerful way.   This whole nation will be needing a lot of this type of power in the very near future and for some time to come.
Veral Smith

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2013, 09:34:51 AM »
I just wanted to say thank you for this informative and prayer.....both subjects I have been working on a lot lately!  Also as a side note...thanks so much for taking your time today with me on the phone...Sat 16th of Feb....concerning what I need for two Ruger flattop 44 Special, new model Blackhawks....good to have a source of heelp with prayer, bullets, and coffee all in one place.....I needed all three today, and got all three.....everything in my life has always seemed to revolve around the number 3!  Oh, my I just thought....I have been married twice....OH LORD please no...not again!
I'll be in contact after the first of the month about the mold.....and just how long does it take these days in your production cycle prior to shipping?

Offline Veral

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Re: Coffee drinkers tips.
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2013, 06:22:53 PM »
  Current mold production time, as of mid Feb 2013 is about 2 weeks from time order is received till it is shipped.  Most go quicker,  bit it's best to expect some wait just in case I'm drawn of to some other project, like running a batch of hardness testers which has to start this week.
Veral Smith