Author Topic: Very,Very, Bad Day...  (Read 1142 times)

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Offline grouse

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« on: February 14, 2004, 11:25:57 AM »
Well i went to the range today, with my Encore and new Bushnell elite scope. What a nightmare. I started out shooting 250grn sst"s. Well
i only shot two of them. If i had to use those bullets i would quit hunting.
I could not believe how hard they are to load in my gun. WOW. So i started shooting my favorite bullet. 220grn DeadCenter. I could not shoot a good group to save my life. I am only shooting at 50 yds right now.
I shot about 15 shots and couldn't get anything good at all. So i gave my gun to a friend and said here you shoot it. So he loaded up those horrible loading sst's and shot a really good group at 50 yds. So i said okay it's just me now. So i load up three 300grn DeadCenter bullets and touch two bullets at 50yds and the third was about one inch away. Okay just a bad day with 220's. So i start shooting at 100yds. Well same problem, cant hold a good three shot group. Hand the gun to my friend again. He loads up 300grn DeadCenters. First two shots at 100yds touching, the third shot is like three inches high. Well he says i never liked these bullets. (DeadCenters. So i said okay shoot three with those sst's. Well that was even worse. So i pulled out some XTP'S, here shoot these. Well they didn't work either. So i got a major problem somewhere. I dont if the scopes bad, or the bases might be loose????? I just am very unhappy right now. It was cold and windy, but i dont think that is the problem.
I really dont want to look at that gun right now, maybe later. Any suggestions, or help would be greatly appreciated. Something just isnt right. :(  :x

Offline RandyWakeman

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2004, 12:38:10 PM »
When my guns aren't grouping well, it is normally me. I've never found wind, multiple bullets, or multiple shooters of the same gun to help get a handle on accuracy. Or the cold, for that matter!

Offline grouse

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2004, 01:37:36 AM »
Quote from: RandyWakeman
When my guns aren't grouping well, it is normally me. I've never found wind, multiple bullets, or multiple shooters of the same gun to help get a handle on accuracy. Or the cold, for that matter!

Well today i am going to take everything off and tighten everything
up and just start over. If that doesn't work i will move the scope to my knight and see how that works. I did notice the orange sabots on the 220grn DeadCenters, the petals were all blown off. I noticed them in the snow. That doesn't really matter does it?

Offline RandyWakeman

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2004, 03:10:40 AM »
They are designed to possibly shear below 20 degrees F; whether they do or not doesn't matter to me.

Offline big6x6

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2004, 04:58:37 AM »
"Well i went to the range today, with my Encore and new Bushnell elite scope. What a nightmare.'

I have those trips to the range as well.  One thing... The good day/bad day phenomenon of course, doesn't exhist.  A gun doesn't care what day it is or who's pulling the trigger.  What it DOES cause me to do is keep better shooting records.  Wind speed/direction, humidity, and temperature ALL play a part in a range session..  Also pay more attention to the way your rest is set up, front and rear.  Most every rifle has a "sweet spot."  Also, it is important to hold the rifle the SAME WAY for every shot.  Don't forget propellant and projectile lot numbers.  They make a difference as well.

One item that makes a HUGE difference for me is DISTRACTIONS.  I go to the range for a minimal amount of BSing and a LOT of shooting.  Some go to the range JUST to BS and why they bring a gun....I really don't know.  My best days at the range are when I'm by myself or least I don't KNOW anyone else there.  

It's up to us to figure out all the pieces of the puzzle...
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Offline grouse

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2004, 06:23:10 AM »
Quote from: big6x6
"Well i went to the range today, with my Encore and new Bushnell elite scope. What a nightmare.'

I have those trips to the range as well.  One thing... The good day/bad day phenomenon of course, doesn't exhist.  A gun doesn't care what day it is or who's pulling the trigger.  What it DOES cause me to do is keep better shooting records.  Wind speed/direction, humidity, and temperature ALL play a part in a range session..  Also pay more attention to the way your rest is set up, front and rear.  Most every rifle has a "sweet spot."  Also, it is important to hold the rifle the SAME WAY for every shot.  Don't forget propellant and projectile lot numbers.  They make a difference as well.

One item that makes a HUGE difference for me is DISTRACTIONS.  I go to the range for a minimal amount of BSing and a LOT of shooting.  Some go to the range JUST to BS and why they bring a gun....I really don't know.  My best days at the range are when I'm by myself or least I don't KNOW anyone else there.  

It's up to us to figure out all the pieces of the puzzle...

        You brought up some good points. I think i put my gun in different spots all the time on sand bags. I already talked to Randy about the ROCK. I think i need to get that for sure. I really like my new scope. I dont think that's the problem. I will talk more about the scope later.

Offline little red

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new encore
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2004, 06:23:37 AM »
  Now i'm not a long time muzzleloader and don't pretend to have all the answers but go back and read your own post. You have a brand new gun, with a brand new scope, 3 or 4 different bullets, all of different weights, shot at two different distances, by two shooters and none of the bullets were shot more than three times. The 300 grain deadcenter shot well at 50 yards( two touching and one 1inch away)and at 100 yards two touching and one 3 inches away. Sounds pretty good to me. I'd keep shooting the 300 grain dead center and see if it was the gun or maybe the shooter. ( we all can't shoot perfect groups at 100 yds all the time.)
   If i could shoot my first six shots, from my brand new gun, as good as you did with the 300 grain dead centers, i'd be a happy shooter.
   My two cents worth of advise would be, go to the range with 100 rounds of 300 grain dead centers and shoot them all, spit patch after every shot, stay with the same powder that you were using and shoot between 100 and 120 grains.   Try to get those groups tighter by makeing little changes, not big ones and i almost forgot, leave your buddy at home!!!
                                                      little red

Offline simonkenton

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2004, 08:38:01 AM »
little red--Very good analysis!
Aim small don't miss.

Offline DavidKansas

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2004, 10:28:35 AM »
I am with the last two posters -- I always shoot the cheapest bullet I can find for the first  200 rounds then work up my hunting and target loads.

Offline grouse

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2004, 11:41:57 AM »
little red,
         Thanks for all the advice. The gun is not new, just the scope.
I am checking stuff out tonight. I think it was just a bad day at the range.
I Already no the gun likes DeadCenters. It just wasnt a great day to shoot. My hands were cold, just wasn't a great day to try out some new stuff.

Offline grouse

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2004, 03:48:43 PM »
Well i think i found the problem? My bases were loose.
three out of the four allens were really loose. So i guess
i will start all over. I am going to lock tite the bases down
this week.

Offline rpseven

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2004, 04:22:53 AM »
My 2 cents I would stay with the 300 grs. with about 90 grs. of powders and see how that works.

Offline big6x6

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2004, 05:07:57 PM »
"I am going to lock tite the bases down this week."

Grouse, that's the first thing I do after opening the box!  I use Devcon Thread Locker "Blue" and tighten the bases down and allow to dry over night.  Sometimes I'll go to the trouble to clean screws/screw holes with ethanol.  It's a "peace of mind" kind of thing.
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Offline grouse

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Very,Very, Bad Day...
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2004, 06:40:45 PM »
Quote from: big6x6
"I am going to lock tite the bases down this week."

Grouse, that's the first thing I do after opening the box!  I use Devcon Thread Locker "Blue" and tighten the bases down and allow to dry over night.  Sometimes I'll go to the trouble to clean screws/screw holes with ethanol.  It's a "peace of mind" kind of thing.

Not a bad idea. Thanks, i will do that also. :grin: