I see I first repiled to this thread back in 2005!!!
I still have and carry a .32 ACP pistol - have it in an isp holster right now, with 2 extra mags in my jeans pocket, but my gun and ammo preferences changed. I now carry a FEG version of the PP pistol, with an alloy frame and a better safety and trigger IMO, anyway, than the Walthers I have tried. It has more barrel to get the most velocity out of this round, and a better sight radius for my old eyes. it has ALWAYS worked, and is accurate.
Ammo is S&B ball. It is somewhere over 175 ft/lbs, penetrates very well, and is consistant and reliable. It was made for European police use and is hotter than US loadings.
My winter carry is a compact 1911 .45 acp or an old S&W Highway Patrolman.