As IF brought up, what vintage the Contender frame is (there is no such thing as a G1 Contender), it's condition, whether or not it's been reworked, etc lend to it's value and can be a wide difference between low and high. Can run up to $300 now days for the best of them with them discontinued for so long now if somebody is willing to pay it. Also as IF said, the easy open vintage where the best of them (except right at the very end with the few renewable breech block ones they made as QC didn't weed all the bad ones out). Older vintage frames can be modified up to the easy open vintage, but for additional out of pocket, trigger jobs, entire frame tuned, etc.
The barrels if factory - vintage, configuration/length, condition, cartridge and current demand lend to value. All the cartridges you listed have followers, how many depending on all those factors. IOW some find 10" octagons in even the 44MAG unpleasant for example. If any are custom that takes the value up.
What about furniture if included in the package? Some factory furniture has higher value than others... custom far more.
You said scope "rails". TC made some that were commonly called that, so are they TC rails or scope bases from who? Rings?
What scope? Scopes depend on what they are exactly. What you may consider a nothing scope may be to someone else for resale if you don't want it. Same with barrels/furniture that can eventually lower your out of pocket by selling any that are unwanted.
And where in the country being sold retail FTF has some to do with pricing.
Sometimes buying long distace means much lower prices, but shipping/transfer fees instead of local taxes may eat those savings up and then some.
And there is always the possibility a seller can be haggled down, often even more so for a package deal.
So IMO it's pretty hard to give any real values without more detailed information of everything in the package.
As you've seen ball park guesses can vary by hundreds. Nothing wrong with offering them, they are just going from experience of what they have done/seen done. But they are still general assumptions without more info for them to work with to help you.