Author Topic: ABC news Ft Hood investigation spurs ANOTHER congressional investigation.  (Read 630 times)

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Offline powderman

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ABC News Fort Hood Investigation Spurs Congressional Inquiry     Dramatic Video of Ft. Hood Shooting Aftermath Auto Start: On | Off          By NED BERKOWITZ  March 15, 2013   
  In the wake of an ABC News report in which victims of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting said that they feel neglected by the military and "betrayed" by President Obama, Republican lawmakers are demanding new information on the administration's handling of the attack's aftermath, including what role the Justice Department may have played in the military deeming the shooting "workplace violence."
"We remain committed to addressing the intelligence and administrative failures leading up to the attack, as well as learning more about the administration's inexplicable decision to charge [suspected shooter] Maj. [Nidal] Hasan's crime 'workplace violence' instead of terrorism," Rep. Michael McCaul (R.-Texas), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today. The letter, a copy of which was obtained by ABC News, was co-signed by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Virg.) and Rep. John Carter (R-Texas).
The letter's authors support awarding Purple Hearts to the military victims of the shooting, something the "workplace violence" designation prevents. The letter was in part prompted by a reference to the Department of Justice made by Army Secretary John McHugh in an ABC News "Nightline" report in February.
"To award a Purple Heart, [the attack] has to be done by a foreign terrorist element," McHugh said then. "So to declare that soldier a foreign terrorist, we are told, I'm not an attorney and I don't run the Justice Department, but we're told would have a profound effect on the ability to conduct the trial."
      Donna McWilliam/AP Photo A memorial to victims of the Fort Hood... View Full Size    Donna McWilliam/AP Photo A memorial to victims of the Fort Hood shooting is shown before the start of a memorial service, to be attended by President Barack Obama, at Fort Hood, Texas, Nov. 10, 2009.   DOCUMENT: Letter to Attorney General Holder (PDF)
The new letter, which was sent with a copy of the "Nightline" report, poses eight questions to Holder about the decision to classify the shooting as "workplace violence," including, "Did you or any other Justice Department official provide any written or verbal guidance to the Department of Defense recommending charges for Maj. Hasan? If so, what was the nature of that communication and the guidance provided?"
The letter also seeks all documents pertaining to who "was responsible for creating, reviewing or approving any statements, press releases, talking points and/or other communications or policy statements issued by or from any of the following between the afternoon of November 5, 2009 – March 1, 2010 concerning or with respect to the November 5, 2009 Fort Hood attack: The President, White House staff, the Secretary and/or staff of the Department of Homeland Security, Gen. George Casey, the Secretary and/or staff or employees of the Department of Defense (including but not limited to the Army)."
Thirteen people were killed, including a pregnant soldier, and 32 others shot in the Nov. 5, 2009 rampage by the accused gunman, Maj. Nidal Hasan, at the Army base in Killeen, Texas. Hasan, who was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, now awaits a military trial on charges of premeditated murder and attempted murder. Al-Awlaki has since been killed in a U.S. drone attack in Yemen, in what was termed a major victory in the U.S. efforts against al Qaeda.
READ: Hasan Asked Awlaki If It Was Okay to Kill American Soldiers
Many of the Fort Hood victims have now filed a lawsuit against the military alleging the "workplace violence" designation means that in addition to not receiving Purple Hearts, they are receiving lower priority access to medical care as veterans, and a loss of financial benefits available to those who injuries are classified as "combat related."
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Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Dee

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Ft. Hood is as obvious as Benghazi. The Congress will bluster and bluff, Obama and company will stall, and basically ignore them, and the tax payer will be out millions more on an endeavor, not to find out the truth, but instead to score political points, against the other party. What a bunch of sad little clowns we have elected. The truth will never be told, and only God will enact vengeance against the corrupt government that was runnin guns in Benghazi, and got caught, or the muslim trash that killed those soldiers at Ft. Hood.
The politicians are not looking out for us, but for their careers.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ChungDoQuan

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It's just like Benghazi, all right--- another far right witch hunt costing taxpayer money just to keep some imaginary offense in the news.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline magooch

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Yeah, those four Americans are just imagining they're dead and Obama's people (Penetta and others)  just imagined that Hussein had no interest in what happened to them.  Imagine that, or as Hitlary would say, "What difference does it make."

Offline Lizzie-6

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Yeah, those four Americans are just imagining they're dead and Obama's people (Penetta and others)  just imagined that Hussein had no interest in what happened to them.  Imagine that, or as Hitlary would say, "What difference does it make."

What difference DOES it make?

Offline powderman

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Yeah, those four Americans are just imagining they're dead and Obama's people (Penetta and others)  just imagined that Hussein had no interest in what happened to them.  Imagine that, or as Hitlary would say, "What difference does it make."

MAGOOCH. The difference is that hussein and hillary have American blood on their hands, just like that murderer hasan, only they didn't pull the triggers, they just ALLOWED someone else to.
Hasan should have been worm food years ago, no reason for that POS to be alive. POWDERMAN. 
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Lizzie-6

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Yeah, those four Americans are just imagining they're dead and Obama's people (Penetta and others)  just imagined that Hussein had no interest in what happened to them.  Imagine that, or as Hitlary would say, "What difference does it make."

MAGOOCH. The difference is that hussein and hillary have American blood on their hands, just like that murderer hasan, only they didn't pull the triggers, they just ALLOWED someone else to.
Hasan should have been worm food years ago, no reason for that POS to be alive. POWDERMAN.

Every US president has American blood on his hands.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Over 30 people in the diplomatic corps died while GW was in office. (Y'all remember GW? AKA "Who?") Do any of the rightys here even remember their names? You're splitting hairs--- the guy at Ft. Hood was a lunatic. Are the people less dead if he was a terrorist, too?
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline Empty Quiver

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Yeah, those four Americans are just imagining they're dead and Obama's people (Penetta and others)  just imagined that Hussein had no interest in what happened to them.  Imagine that, or as Hitlary would say, "What difference does it make."

What difference DOES it make?
The difference it makes is setting a precedence.

It's been going on for years? When would be a good time to quit? Right before or after your ox is gored? Do we have to wait until a (R) is in the office to take offense?

Take responsibility AND leadership here, where does the buck stop these days? Harry Truman would have given 'em hell.
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Offline powderman

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I see the obummerbots are still sticking up for their messiah. Hasan is a you know what murdering terrorist, that had nothing to do with workplace violence. I reckon hussein figures that it sounds better, otherwise folks might think hasan is a murdering muslim, OOOOOPPPPSSS, I fergot, he is.
 I wonder how many $ millions it has cost taxpayers to coddle and keep that animal alive?? And WHY?? Had he been an American this would have been over with. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline coyotejoe

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Yeah, those four Americans are just imagining they're dead and Obama's people (Penetta and others)  just imagined that Hussein had no interest in what happened to them.  Imagine that, or as Hitlary would say, "What difference does it make."

What difference DOES it make?
If you and Hillary cannot grasp that there is any difference between truth and lies, if you think it doesn't matter that this administration lies every time their lip move, if you think it makes no difference that wounded soldiers are being denied their rights and that it is a waste of time and money to even try to get to the bottom of the cover up then your are a pitiful wretch indeed.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.

Offline magooch

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Over 30 people in the diplomatic corps died while GW was in office. (Y'all remember GW? AKA "Who?") Do any of the rightys here even remember their names? You're splitting hairs--- the guy at Ft. Hood was a lunatic. Are the people less dead if he was a terrorist, too?

Can you cite a case where George Bush trumped up a mindless excuse like someone made a video that caused the deaths of our diplomats?  Can you cite a case where George Bush had no interest in a developing situation where American lives were at stake?  Can you cite a case where George Bush didn't get the approval of Congress to engage our enemies?  Can you cite a case where George Bush failed to pursue the terrorists who attacked our country and our diplomats?

I'll give Obwana credit for one thing, he did finally approve the disposal of OBL. 

Offline Dee

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That pretty much covers the entire Iraq war. Just about every thing about it was trumped up. Got a better example?
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline rickt300

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It's just like Benghazi, all right--- another far right witch hunt costing taxpayer money just to keep some imaginary offense in the news.
Imaginary offense? Taxpayer money, not so much. In the news? Not so much. Your ability to think clearly, in question.
I have been identified as Anti-Federalist, I prefer Advocate for Anarchy.

Offline ironglow

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It's just like Benghazi, all right--- another far right witch hunt costing taxpayer money just to keep some imaginary offense in the news.
  I doubt the friends and loved ones of the 14 people killed at Ft Hood and the 4 killed at Benghazi..consider it an "imaginary offense"!
  Strange; When OBL was taken out..within a week we were inundated with information and witnesses as to who did it, how they did it and who ordered the raid..even to knowing the previously classified information that it was SEAL team 6.. which took him out!
      ..But strangely, nearly 6 months after the attack and killings at Benghazi, we still have no real information, no witness interviews...not even the drone videos which were taken during the attack!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)