Author Topic: This will jar you.. if you watch the video..  (Read 536 times)

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Offline ironglow

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This will jar you.. if you watch the video..
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:08:36 PM »
  I usually pay little to no attention to the various "alarm videos" which are offered.  Most are a gimmic to sell gold, silver or other "safeguards".
  I'm not saying this video is the unvarnished truth.. but some of the information will cause you to say..  " so that's why this or that... has been happening !"
   This article investigated by Newsmax, was sent out in a Dick Morris newsletter and at first glance I almost deleted it..figuring it was "just more BS" !  No matter what you think of Newsmax, or Dick Morris, put that aside for a few minutes and watch this may have a new perspective..
  What is different with this one?  ..They seem to prove their contentions right while they are speaking!
     Have you wondered about such questions as .. Why is inflation hitting us and the govt lying about it?  Why are we being hit with a sudden increase in cyber attacks?  Why has our govt recently tried to pass a rule limiting how much or whether we can draw out any of our own savings account at any given time?
  How does the sudden push to grab our guns and limit our ammo come into play?  I hate to say it but this video affirms much of what our conspiracy guys have been saying..
  If you can't check it out right away (takes a bit of time) it and check it when you DO have a few minutes.
  Please don't say "just more BS" unless you have watched it..then let me know what you think..  It is possible I am being a bit overly alarmed..but don't say so until you have viewed the video.
  As I said, like you.. I usually laugh these things off..but this is a bit different..mainly because it answers some of the mysterious happenings of recent years..right there on the video.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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Re: This will jar you.. if you watch the video..
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 03:02:18 AM »
This is nothing more then an infomercial.
He didn't tell you anything on how to survive this if it happens.
All he did was push his DVD and BOOK along with some REPORTS.
There are dozens of these being shown on the internet.
Sure, it could happen and maybe it has already begun but if it does and we do have another great depresion there is really nothing you or I can do about it.
All this is is a scare tatic to sell his product.
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: This will jar you.. if you watch the video..
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 05:56:12 AM »
IG, thanks for the link. I have seen some video's similar to this before. My problem is, I usually don't have the time to sit and watch the whole thing. I figure on my level, I'm about as prepared as I can afford. Got some food stashed away, guns and ammo have been in good shape for 30 years. I learned how to can and preserve food from my mother and father, who both grew up in the Great Depression I.(I am starting to call it that, as I believe we're heading into Great Depression II) Hunting and fishing right out my back door. Pray to the Good Lord everyday for forgivness and guidance. Whatever happens on a global scale, I don't have much impact on that. Provide for my family and hope for the best. gypsyman
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Offline Oldshooter

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Re: This will jar you.. if you watch the video..
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 04:46:54 PM »
Well well,well, between that and the federal reserve thread I'll have some interesting " dreams" tonight. Thanks IG.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: This will jar you.. if you watch the video..
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2013, 05:42:58 AM »
   Perhaps I didn't word the foreword very well.  The author didn't tell anybody how to prepare for what is likely to transpire; because the idea that some kind of preparation goes without saying.
     The part which caught my attention was how the author verbally pictured moves that have been made by governments and their servants such as the Federal Reserve etc., along with current events, such as the sudden increase in cyber attacks against the US .  Then the author shows why this is so and how it was inspired..with quite incontravertible evidence.  While I by no means, agree with most of the conspiracy theories making the rounds..the evidence shown here definitely lends some credence to a sizeable portion of them.
 Again!  The author did not give instructions as to how or even if, one should prepare.  Perhaps he is like myself, and reasons that if  somebody is told, "there are sharks in the water, just off the beach"..that no more need be said.  If somebody can't process that info, he doesn't belong in the gene pool anyway!
     I agree that we should all prepare somehow.  Even those in an urban/suburban setting, can prepare for such a calamity.  Remember, most will have enough food & water for about 3 days.. then the looting & home invasions start to take place..  If a man can hold out for a couple weeks by proving he is no "pushover" while the looters move on..he will have a better chance of taking his family through it!
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Gary G

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Re: This will jar you.. if you watch the video..
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2013, 04:22:13 PM »
Ironglow, I am quite familiar with James Rickarts. You can follow him on twitter. He posts daily. The currency wars he speaks of are happening, but it is because of the debt (Europe, US, Japan). Sometimes currency wars turn into trade wars. Trade wars sometimes turn into shooting wars. The BRIC countries are building their gold reserves to protect themselves from a dollar collapse since the dollar is the world reserve currency. They have also made bilateral currency agreements to bypass the dollar. Why? When Bernanke creates dollars, many of these go to foreign countries thus exporting our inflation there, it has the same function as counterfeit dollars would have (making the printer wealthier at the expanse of all other dollar holders). The Federal Reserve was created by the bankers for the bankers and the government. It is a sly way fleecing the people without their knowledge. In fact, it is better than taxes from their standpoint.

Now, I think there is some hyping in this film concerning China. China could dump their hoard of US bonds, causing a worldwide sell-off, that would blow up our bond market and decimate our banking system and financial system any time they get ready. But it would not be in China's best interest. The US is the worlds largest debtor nation with debts that are unsustainable and that is why Bernanke is printing (he is buying the debt with counterfeit money). China is a creditor nation and is trying to protect its financial interest.

Throughout history, wealth flees debtor nations toward creditor nations.

It is true that anyone not protected has lost 25% of their purchasing power since 2008. This will continue. There is a danger of it turning into a hyperinflation which would be much worse than the great depression.

Debt is so great and government so burdensome, that the Fed must continue to print or we immediately go into depression. The Fed prints and buys bonds from the primary dealers who buy them from the treasury with the primary dealers making a nice profit. The government wins, the bankers are happy (putting profits in the markets), and you lose.

I would not doubt that the BRICs eventually go on some form of gold standard. Russia has hinted of this. They will need more gold than what they have now. If that happens, dollars will come home to roost; reaching their intrinsic value, that of paper.

How to prepare:
Real assets increase with inflation.
Paper assets such as bank deposits, bonds and CD's decline.
Pray that your government does not get into any more wars, they are unpredictable and costly.
If there is a breakdown, then it could lead to civil unrest.
If there is hyperinflation (enough money has been printed already, but what is lacking is velocity of money which depends on the attitudes of people), transportation will cease (meaning nothing on the shelves or in the gas pumps).

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