There is a high demand for ammo now. If there wasn't, people wouldn't be paying higher prices for it. I believe there is a shortage of ammo right now because of the high demand of it. Sure there are people that are buying all they can get, and then selling it for a higher price, but how are they getting a higher price for it? Simply because of demand. Its the reason JohnnyReb saw 1000 primers on the shelf for 90 bucks. Obviously there are people paying these high prices for guns, ammo, and reloading supplies, or the price wouldn't be that high.
Do we think the boat loads of ammo the Dept. of Homeland Security is buying might have something to do with it?
Without a doubt you can buy ammo if you are willing to pay the high price, but ask yourself, why are the prices that high?
People are fearful of their government, and they are fearful of civil unrest, and that is why there is a shortage. It isn't all because some are reselling on gun broker for higher costs. Its because many are stock piling, for their own personal use. The guy in the video says don't pay those high costs for ammo. Sure that would bring the cost of it down, but it won't decrease the demand for it. Supply and demand = costs. What he is saying is lets decrease the demand for ammo, but it won't work that way. You are not going to tell people to quit buying something they want right now.
The four basic laws of supply and demand are.
If demand increases and supply is unchanged, a shortage occurs, and the price goes up.
If demand decreases and supply is unchanged, a surplus occurs, and price comes down.
If demand remains unchanged and supply increases, a surplus occurs, and the price comes down.
If demand remains unchanged and supply decreases a shortage occurs, and the price goes up.