I had 3 of them. Hate the stocks on them, but I don't like the BC stocks either. I still have 2, both reamed to 454, and love them. Both wear camo synthetic stocks. My grandson killed a hog with his, my is as yet unbloodied. But the 454, or 45 Colt either, will do a number on anything you need to shoot in the lower 48. Accuracy was greatly improved in mine by the Casull treatment. I bought a reamer made for a rifle, with the longer tapered throat. It is the one here on GBO being passed around now. I ordered 2 of them from my LGS when they first came available, I paid like $325 each out the door. The other one was purchased from a table at a gun show, used. I think I paid $300 for it. I sold all the stock sets and got some of the money back, let a buddy buy one of the guns after I reamed it. Just ask yourself this-In 10 yrs, which would I prefer to have, the gun or whatever else you would have bought with the money.