Author Topic: Epoxy Bedding Questions  (Read 513 times)

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Offline flabbydan

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Epoxy Bedding Questions
« on: February 10, 2004, 05:09:27 PM »
:? I've been tempted for quite some time to do a bedding job on a few rifles I own, but I don't have much faith in my "do-it-yourself" abilities.  I was thinking about trying to bed a couple T/C forends before tackling a whole rifle. I was wondering if one of the Acraglas-type kits can be used for more than one gun, or does it have to be used all at once?  I also noticed that the various epoxies sold in hardware stores seem a lot cheaper than the kits that Brownell's and others sell.  Are any of these products similar to the type used in the kits?  I'd appreciate any advice you might have.

Offline John Traveler

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epoxy bedding kits
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2004, 06:43:04 PM »

The various gunsmithing epoxies are formulated for long-term stability and strength.  They can be used for more than just a bedding job but repairs too.  Also, shelf life is incredible.  I've used Acraglas that is more than 25 years old, and it worked just fine.

A Brownell's Acraglas and Acraglas Gel Kit for example, is enough for one complete (long rifle) action bedding job, or two smaller jobs if you ration the components.  By this, I mean that it is enough for one bolt-action receiver & barrel bedding with leftover wasted resin and flocking/dye, or you can halve the portion and do two complete rifles with nothing left over if you are careful.

Yes, I know that the professional gunsmithing bedding kits are sorta pricey (appx $20), but the hardware store two-tube epoxy mixes ($5) are rarely enough for a complete bedding job, plus because they set up much faster than Acraglas, the long-term strength is not there.  The 5-minute epoxies are plenty good for small "touch up" bedding such as a Contender foreend, split stock repair, or loose two-piece stocks on a receiver though.  I use them for quickie jobs where a second bedding might be needed, or if a customer is in a hurry to get his gun back into the field.

John Traveler

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Epoxy Bedding Questions
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2004, 08:17:10 PM »
John's absolutely right.  The Acraglass is amazing stuff.  I have tried the discount house stuff and the biggest drawback is it dries hard, brittle.  I never use anything but accraglass for bedding and the 5 ton epoxy for repairs.  The 5 minute stuff just doesn't give me enough workling time.  If you want to save a bit the acraglass gel is available in larger quantities.  I use these as the shelf life so great and we all can stand to save a bit of money..
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Offline m14dan

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Epoxy Bedding Questions
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2004, 05:06:14 PM »
I haven't used acraglass in years. Well not since the steel bed came out. I love that stuff! Honestly both of them last a long time if done right and properly cared for. If you do get it yourself brownells is a great resource for do it yourself tips and tricks and booklets to help out. Some of the jerry K books go into great detail on how to bed a rifle. As do others. While I have done quickie repair jobs to bedding on service rifles with products such as Jb weld or jbquick I still wouldn't recommend it for doing a whole rifle. That stuff may glue a diesel engine block back together for a while but it just wasn't meant for guns. I honestly never tried it on a whole bedding job but I still beleive like the others that the stuff meant for guns is the best option.