Now some of the "stupid" rules about bringing knives to school don't sound so stupid.
These punks are typical kids raised by liberal parents without God in their lives. Yer right, as long as punks like that are being raised by liberal parents laws like that will be necessary.
I started carrying a pocket knife in about the 3rd or 4th grade, as did most all of the boys I grew up with. Not even ONCE did anybody ever pull a knife on anybody or even threaten to.
Most all of the kids I grew up with had 2 parents, male and female, I felt I needed to clear that up for the liberal democrats reading this. I only knew of 2 mothers who worked outside the home. One married a drunk, the others husband was killed in an accident.
Pretty well all the families in our area went to Church, as a family, much unlike today. We had God in our lives, both dems and reps. The dem party turned their back on God many years ago, thus the birth of liberals. Yes there are reps too, they just haven't made it part of their party platform like the dems did.
SOURDOUGH. Good post Sir, and that was an appropriate response to those lil punks. POWDERMAN.