Author Topic: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?  (Read 1094 times)

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Offline nw_hunter

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Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« on: April 08, 2013, 02:48:27 PM »
When most of the Gun Owner Organizations are fighting Obama and the rest of the disarm America crowd tooth and nail, the NRA wants..........Once again to compromise! If your one of those who believe the NRA is standing alone to protect the Right To Keep And Bear Arms, it's time to re think.  Support them if you like, but unless you want to see all our gun rights in this country go down the drain, you better also get behind one of the NO COMPROMISE groups like The NGR, GOA, RTKBA and several others who will not give ONE inch to these criminals who want total confiscation of All firearms from Law abiding citizens.
These Pro gun Organizations would be singing praises to the NRA if they were as adamant about securing all rights to keep and bear arms.We better start paying attention to what they are saying as well, or it will be too late to matter.
I know I'll catch hell for saying anything bad about the NRA (I'm use to it) but right is right , and this AIN'T right!
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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 03:59:37 PM »
The NRA and the government justify each other, and help control the direction of the voters.
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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 01:44:03 AM »
We need to stand together and not shoot at each other.. or organizations that have different approaches...  Government is going to take our rights without considering the consequences...  Just Google "Turning Gun Owners into Felons" by Dave Kopel.  These elected officials have not a clue what they are proposing. Probably most have not read the bill.
 Liberal media helps them with extra print and air time for the tragedies involving guns as implement of choice.
Do you trust the government?  Think about Fast & Furious?  They need to focus on addressing the mental state of perpetrators more than restricting lawbiding citizens with unconstitutional laws.
NRA and NYS Rifle & Pistol Association Life Member

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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 01:58:19 AM »
So I go to the link and the first thing I see is a "sign the petition request" ...............Well wont thAT GIVE SOMEONE MY NAME? and barry certainly wont have access to that HuH?
I dunno, I do know I cant trust the gooberment, the nra, the goa,Aclu, cia, aflcio, every body seems to be a no good sob cept me and you and I'm starting to worry bout you.   :-\ 
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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 03:06:10 AM »
They already have my name in BIG BOLD RED LETTERS and underlined to boot so I guess it really doesn't matter.
In fact, I am sure they already have most of our names.
Maybe all that means is until you hear that they have come for us first, then you really have nothing to worry about!!!
Just like war, you take out the mass before you do the mop up.
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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 05:48:59 AM »
     They can only take the guns they know about, and can only take the guns they can FIND, dont keep all your eggs in one basket makes alot of good sence, I am glad someone thought about that.  Jim  PS remember we outnumber them

Offline tom548

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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2013, 06:58:21 AM »
Look like they all work together just like the people in Washington. A lot in the story is much different than the way it is presented.

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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 06:50:31 AM »
The only reason I am a member of the NRA is because NRA membership is a condition of being a member of the gun club I belong to. The NRA is disgusting me to the point of reconsidering whether or not I want to belong to a club that requires me to be an NRA member. I would much rather give my money to the GOA.
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 09:47:39 PM »
We need to stand together and not shoot at each other.. or organizations that have different approaches...  Government is going to take our rights without considering the consequences...  Just Google "Turning Gun Owners into Felons" by Dave Kopel.  These elected officials have not a clue what they are proposing. Probably most have not read the bill.
 Liberal media helps them with extra print and air time for the tragedies involving guns as implement of choice.
Do you trust the government?  Think about Fast & Furious?  They need to focus on addressing the mental state of perpetrators more than restricting lawbiding citizens with unconstitutional laws.

So by standing together does that mean we should be silent when an organization that we the people join and pay our hard earned money to represent us sides with the enemy of free men? In this case it's not a different approach..........It's an act of siding with those who would see our rights to keep and bear arms a stumbling block for their agenda. Give them a little today! Give them a little tomorrow, and before you know it, there is nothing left to give.

The only thing worse than the enemy in war, is a traitor! We are in a war for the right to arm ourselves in a free society.We are coming dangerously close to losing that war, and we need all the help we can get from those that are suppose to be our leaders. (THEY) Need to stand with us. If not, they should be exposed. I believe these politicians know full well what they are proposing.They aren't stupid or ignorant of the facts.
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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2013, 09:37:33 AM »
Any time I see someone criticizing the NRA from within I research the matter and find it to be based upon untrue information.  Politics is an uncertain process but I know of no outfit that does as well in any issue as the NRA does in Washington, DC and in state capitals around the country.  None of us gets a do-over.  We can only work hard and speak the truth.  The NRA seems to do that very well.


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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2013, 10:19:31 AM »
If there was another group that had the clout, ability , money and experience dealing in gun law out there they should step up. They also would make mistakes , tick some people off be just like the NRA . No I don't agree with all they do never expected to . But when deals go down they are there and that's important. They also know they can and will lose support if the stray to far from what the members want.
 If someone feels they can do better , more direct go for it . Hey just pick an unjust law and break it . Get arrested and have your day(s) in court . defend your case and in the end win or well go to prison. I for one like the NRA taking the chances .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2013, 08:30:30 PM »
Ignoring the truth is a dangerous thing to do.I was a blind willing follower of the Republican party and NRA for many years.Sure they made mistakes from time to time, but they were head and shoulders above the dreaded Democrat party and the  anti-constitution members of it. Were they? :o Election time was simple for me. Just vote for a Republican and every thing they brought to the floor.Then I started doing a little research on my own, instead of just believing what they said.It takes a little effort to do this. Not as easy as just tuning in Fox and kickin back in the easy chair and letting them do my thinking for me.

When we start ignoring facts and excepting lies from those within the party and organizations that are suppose to be working for us.................We become part of the problem.When our representatives compromise with those trying to disarm us, they in essence have joined them. Accept it if you will! I don't.

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Offline tom548

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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2013, 03:08:36 AM »
Vote them out. I have never voted for a party, vote for the person and what they stand for.
If they don't represent me per the guidlines of the constitution the need to find another job.

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Why does The NRA want Obama to have your name?
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2013, 05:49:54 AM »
  Here is the kind of person I want representing me as a gun owner, and someone who still believes in the Constitution as it is written.......NOT a living document as some Liberal Socialists (aka) Communist puppets  from CNN, MSNBC like Chris Mathews and Wolf B.would have us believe.
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