I seldom drink coffee, and to me Nescafe is fine.
A few weeks ago the wife ran out of coffee, now she is a true coffee drinker. She keeps a coffee maker in her office, and has coffee in it at all times during the day. She was desperate for a cup that morning. She was screaming for me to go to the grocery and get her some real coffee. She refused to drink my instant. Sometimes I am in a mood to be onery, I made a big cup of coffee and slowly drank it with breakfast. Since I had coffee I could not see any reason to go to the store just to get coffee. She threatened me with removal of body parts, all kinds of slow death methods, and other types of torture. Later that morning when we finally got to the store, she stopped at Starbucks and got some Cappachino before shopping. She bought two cans of coffee, now she keeps the extra can on a shelf in the garage. that way she is aware of using the last can, and can replace it before she runs out.