I was at a State wide Bar meeting and a speaker from the State Bar Assn. asked for a show of hands of those in favor of bringing a state issue in line with the federal position. The attny. next to me didn't raise his hand and, since I had thought the proposal was a good idea, I asked him why. He said words to the effect that he would never vote for anything just to conform a state matter to the federal gov'ts position.
Being a staunch "State's Rights" advocate I realized how right he was and have myself taken the same position ever since.
Unfortunately no one ever listens to me and Georgia adopted the Federal Rules of Evidence, one piece of logic for doing so was stated to be because the Georgia Rules were written by a Confederate General. ( Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb - see Cobb's Legion )
So, it is called the War of Northern Aggression because the north, aka federal gov't, was and is still imposing it's will on the south, albeit the whole of the United States.