Hello Pat,
Let us examine the following statement: Load: 120 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip with 20.2 grains of 4227 provides 2215 fps with 99.86% powder burning in the barrel. The pressure is 47,500 PSI. The top loading listed in the book is 22.5 grains with that bullet. Too much pressure with that load, but no angels appeared.
The 20.2 grain load is within the mid-range parameters from the Nosler Reloading manual with their bullet. The pressure was calculated by entering the data for the load into Neco QuickLoad Computer Software. Neco advises not to use their findings exclusively due to civil suit reasons. I find that Neco is very reasonable and accurate enough for developing loads. Thompson Center advises that Contender users keep the pressure at or below 48,000 PSI. The load above is within those requirements.
Bear in mind that each firearm varies slightly with chamber size and throat depth. The Over All Length of the cartridge can increase the pressure drastically by seating the bullet deeper than the recommended OAL. I always make sure that I seat the bullet deep enough that there is at least a Bullets Diameter of the bearing surface in the case neck to help align the bullet. In the scenario that we are discussing, I seat the boat tail bullet at least .4 into the neck with the .284 bullet. Depending on the Throat in the chamber, the bullet may have to be seated deeper.
If the bullet is seated deeper, then the powder charge may have to be adjusted to keep the pressure within the proper range. I always start below a suggested load and work my way up to the level of power I want.
In 1999, I developed a Shooting Records database and prior to that I have 3 notebooks (3 rings) full of my data entered manually since 1971.
I checked my database for the number of 7mm TCU rounds that I have loaded since 10/9/99 and the sum is 6,535 cartridges. I still have over 500 on hand. 6,000 plus rounds have been fired in the last few years. My angels are always watching over me, for sure. I have blown up 2 rifles in the past 3 years, but never a Contender or an Encore.
My database totals up to 38,831 total cartridges loaded and expended since 10/9/99 to this day in which I shot another 100 plus rounds and 50 of those were 7mm TCU loads with the Hornady 162 gr. A-max with 25.6 grains of WWC 844 Military Surplus Powder (Same as H335) with an OAL of 2.719. The pressure reading is 49,647 PSI and there were no pressure signs on the Winchester Small Rifle Primers nor on the brass..
What else can I say?
If you have any more questions, please feel free to discuss them.
Harold Clark