I have finished going over Antique Ordnance Publishers plans for the Whitworth Rifle.
As usual these come in the standard AOP format of 11x17, Heavy weight paper covers and standard weight paper inside for a total of 21 pages..
The drawing set contains the usual pictures and history.
The working drawings however are not professionally drawn as in the mortar drawings. Someone visited an actual gun in Petersburg Virginia and took measurements. It is going to take careful study of the drawings to make this gun. Some dimensions are a little confusing and you have to really pay attention.
If you want to build a detailed model of this gun, you might be disappointed in these plans. If you just want a representative model these plans are just fine. Besides where are you going to find dimensioned drawings for a Whitworth rifle anywhere else
The drawing are $10 plus $5 priority mail from Antique Ordnance Publisher. Check our resource list at the top of this forum for contact info.