The crosshairs shouldn't have broken, But I sure don't draw conclusions on one experience, if I know dozens of results to the contrary & I do, be it Zeiss, Leupold, Nikon & a couple of others. But the best equipment will have a dud every once in a while, been selling Industrial Equipment for years & some of the best made, but things happen to the best, but more rarely than the average stuff.
I think the Nikon Monarch is alot of scope for that price range, but I just bought one that is going to back to the factory, the ele. adj. is out of whack. I have several Nikons & this is my first problem, but it happens & because my history & others I hunt with has been so good with Nikon's, it won't affect me buying more.
I will say that the new Conquest HD5 has features that are outstanding & likely I will be picking up a 5x15 Z600 soon, the new features are impressive.
Soudough, that is the best backing of a product I can imagine, who would not be pleased with that one.