If he was providing support for them and being a father, I guess the libertarian in me says let it go. HOWEVER, if he wants my tax money to support them, then forced sterilization is in order after the first two kids if he wasn't going to support them. Same goes for the woman, if she has over two and is on the government dole, then she also needs snipping. Enough is enough. I had 7 kids and didn't get any government dole and was a father to them. Spent time with a different kid each weekend alone. Girls drove me crazy talking and wanting to go shopping. I took the boys hunting or fishing. Sometimes as a group. Took all of them to the mountains camping, and to zoo's, etc. One girl is now a teacher, one girl is studying to be an RN, one girl manages an appartment complex. One girl married a guy who has a building degree just short of an archetect and travels around the country managing large building projects. They are in San Antonio now. Was in Washington DC. One boy just works at a factory but hunts and shoots all the time. One boy manages a Verison store. One just finished two years aquaculture but is also in the national guard and is going to Afganistan in August. He is the one who fishes all the time. So, I didn't do too bad. Mother left them with me while the older ones were teenagers for another man. So I had to finish raising them, WITHOUT government help. I made enough money as an engineer, just couldn't buy everything. So, it is possible to raise a lot of kids without government assistance, just takes hard work, education, and faith. Oh, between mine and my new wife of 8 years, we have 12 grandkids.