I'm looking at buying my first GPS, either a Garmin or a Magellan. I would like a pretty high-end unit with mapping memory, electronic compass altimeter/barometer etc. One of the main considerations is the ability to work in arduous terrain. A friend of mine has a Garmin 12XL. It is OK in the open, but once you get into tree cover things can get difficult.... The external aerial helps but it is a pain.
I understand that there is terrain that all hand held GPS's will struggle with
Initially I was thinking about getting an etrex, maybe a vista however on another site I read that.....
"eTrex models (due to their small size patch type antenna) have slightly less antenna gain and sensitivity and may not perform quite as well as others in difficult receiving conditions"
What GPS with features that I mention would you suggest given that getting readings in toiugh areas is important?