My oldest son's first bike was an 800 Vulcan classic Kawasaki. My oldest son is 6'6" and a 300 lb, and ain't fat guy. The 800 was too small for him. So he went to a used Super Glide Harley that had been made into a 1600. He worked on that bike constantly, and it looked new when he finished. It used oil, but didn't smoke, and he loved that bike, even though it was "sorta high maintenance". Then he totaled it (wreck not his fault), limped away, and loving his Harley the way he did, two days ago he bought a 1300R VTX Honda.
I've owned several Hondas, 1 Yamaha, 1 Kawasaki, and 2 Suzukis, even an old Cushman Husky, since I started riddin in 1962, and Yamaha is as good as any out there. Congratulations!