Well, I put 60 rounds thru the Umerex Regent Wed. and had several failure to extract on the first 6 clips, BUT, my first 5 shot group at 25 yd using sand bags was.....1 7/8"! Trigger needs some work for target work but is usable for plinking. Ammo used was Winchester white box 230 gr. for the first 50 rounds, the last 10 were a hand load that used RP brass. By the end of the Win. ammo, FTE's were down to one in 15 rounds, using the re-loads in RP brass, there was no FTE's. I'll run another 150 rounds thru her before I do anything to it, then I think the FTE's will be over, if not a bit of stone polish work on the extractor may end that issue. Being the basic 1911 A1, the sights are not very friendly to these 60 yr old eyes and will need changed out. Trigger is not bad, but seems to be a very long pull before the sear releases, when it does it's smooth and crisp enough. Sights were right on for elevation but had to be drifted to the left to bring POI over 1 1/2". Very pleased with my purchase at this point, 4" blocks of wood at 25 yd off hand were easy to pick off. Might steal some of my wife's bright fingernail polish for the front sight until I get them changed out. Ben Fortin (spelling?) is in White Sulfur, MT, and is known to be good on 1911's, may have him do trigger work and new sights for me. That is about all I see needing changed at this point. For $280, I KNOW I got a sweet deal, but this lil girl just wants to please. DP