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Offline Loader 3009

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The Other Things
« on: June 23, 2003, 02:42:58 PM »
Are we avoiding one topic?  Usually, when people tell of strange things seen, someone will mention a UFO......then others will admit they have seen or "experienced" them.

How about it, people?  Any close encounters?  I'm serious.
Don't believe everything you think.

Offline rwng

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The Other Things
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2003, 03:43:24 PM »
Yea, When I lived in Alabama. Back in '76 my sisters, my cousins and I were playing hide-and-seek. Well all of the sudden my cousin started screaming like crazy. Everyone ran to her and she was pointing up in the sky, over our front pasture. I saw it as it was flying away, kind of straight out, then 90* to the right. It stopped and hovered, then shot off and was gone. My Mom and Aunt jumped in the car to try and follow it but no luck.  
    My cousin noticed lights flashing on the ground so she looked up. (How close would it have to be if she saw lights on the ground? It wasn't dark, just started getting dusk) All totalled, 9 of us saw it.
      We lived in Trussville, not far from Huntsville, so my Aunt called the air base and they denied anything in the area at all.  I remember lots of lights, blue, green, red.  But when it moved, it was just white.
      Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. And at 12 I was too young to be drunk. :grin:
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Re: The Other Things
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2003, 06:59:38 PM »
Quote from: Loader 3009
Are we avoiding one topic?  Usually, when people tell of strange things seen, someone will mention a UFO......then others will admit they have seen or "experienced" them.

How about it, people?  Any close encounters?  I'm serious.

 Yeah :D
 will here`s another one for ya, I was in Qui Nhon Viet Nam, in l966. I was haveing to pull guard duty, up on some mouintain about 7 miles from the city, guarding ammo storage holes. It was about 03:00 hrs and I was looking out over the bay of ships out there with thousand of troops waiting to come ashore in the morning. There was a beautiful full moon, and I was sort of hipnotized with the beauty of the night except for a few fire fights off in the distance. All of a sudden a bright light came right out of the ocean  and went straight up, then stopped, then in a zigzag pattern to the right for about 5 miles, then to the left, stopped and then shot straight up towards mars with just a beautiful green tail of vapor. must have been going thousand miles an hour in a split second. Will about 30 minutes later, another one did the same thing . same pattern and speed. Dont know if it was a U.F.O. but it sure was strange.
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Re: The Other Things
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2003, 07:23:26 PM »
Quote from: Loader 3009
Are we avoiding one topic?  Usually, when people tell of strange things seen, someone will mention a UFO......then others will admit they have seen or "experienced" them.

How about it, people?  Any close encounters?  I'm serious.

Heres yet another one :D
   Now I didn`t see this , but when I left Viet Nam in Sept of 1967 to return back to the good old U.S.A., I  was introduced to a lovely girl that I started a serious dating. We became engaged about 3 months later,(I work fast). Anyhow she took me to meet her parent that lived in Blackwell Okla. They had a very terrible tornado there about l962 or thereabouts and lots of people killed and property damage. Upon spending a wonderful weekend with them and getting to know them very well, she (my fiance) confided to me about a tornado that happend back in l967, and how all of them gathered at the storm seller, but turned around one last time to get a look at the approching tornado, and to there horror, there was a huge U.F.O. hoovering above a power plant. The U.F.O. was about the diameter of 2 football fields she said, and had     windows  with lighted lights around it that were colored yellow, green, and red. In the windows that were colored, were standing human type figures that they (her family) could all see very clearly. The craft was hovering about 50ft above the power station like it was drawing electric from it she said.
   Her dad made them all get in the seller. Once inside he made them all sware to silence about the U.F.O. He had a job with the post office there, and he told them that if they told anybody about what they had seen he would be fired, and the people of the town would think they were crazy.
  They never told anybody. She told me the story and I made fun of her saying she made in all up. She became very mad at me. I made up to her, and apologized to her. But about every other week I would bring up the story she told me and make fun of it, to see if I could break her, and she tell me it was all made up. She never did break and always got mad at me for ever thinking that it was made up.
    I t was a real sighting cause, years and years later, someone else not even related to her, but from the same town also reported the same exact U.F.O.
   Janice, well we parted ways, good woman dont know what ever happened to her. Heard she married a good man, and has lots of kids.
bullet maker :D
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Offline Loader 3009

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The Other Things
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2003, 01:36:56 PM »
Since a few of you are owning up to seeing a UFO, I will admit that I saw three at one time.  I noticed the first flying in a NW to SE direction.  This was at night.  The second one caught my eye as it flew in a NE to SW direction.  The two met, a little south of directly overhead, then continued due south to meet with a third which was motionless at the time.  All three then silently flew in formation to the southwest until out of sight.  No, they weren't helicopters.

This sighting piqued my interest in UFO's and began an on again, off again lifetime in depth study.  Let me tell you, right off, that most of the UFOlogists are nuts.  Treckies and weirdos, if you will.  I am not one of them.  

When you tell me you saw them, I believe you.  My study indicates that these things do not come from outer space or another planet, they have been HERE much longer than you or I.  I suggest that any who may be interested in the subject find another subject of interest......for your own good.

What they are is a very deep and involved subject and better left alone.  They are occult in nature and only seek to deceive.

I would like to hear of any more sightings, interactions and observations you may have.
Don't believe everything you think.

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U.F.O. sightings
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2003, 12:29:55 AM »
Hi Loader 3009;
   You left us hanging, by not explaining what you meant by they are from this planet and of the occult. Give us more detail.
bullet maker :D
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Offline Loader 3009

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The Other Things
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2003, 02:08:48 AM »
bullet maker,
What I have found would fill a book or two.  Time and space does not permit a full explanation.  I would prefer to answer specific questions over a period of time, rather than over-load you with superfluous information.  Permit me the option of responding with "I don't know" and "I'd rather not say".  I will give only true information but may withhold some that could be used for wrongful purposes.  If necessary, we can use PM's or Email.

In addition, let me say that mental institutions are filled with people who dabbled in the occult.  We won't dabble.  OK?
Don't believe everything you think.

Offline Gatofeo

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The Other Things
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2003, 02:55:03 PM »
Perhaps Loader feels that UFOs are from another place, but not Outer Space. Perhaps he believes, as some do, that they are more closely aligned with what we perceive to be The Evil One than the Benevolent One.
Myself, I don't believe this.
I believe that UFOs are (1) machines created by intelligent beings from either another dimension, another time in the future or another time/planet in the future, or (2) animals.  :eek:
Animals? You think I'm joking?
Ponder this:
We know that many animals that live in low-light situations (caves and deep waters) have a natural luminescence. They give off light to attract a mate or to attract food.
Many of the UFOs seen give off unusual and frequently brilliant light.
Years ago, I read an interesting article in TRUE magazine (a man's magazine that died in 1970s but was highly regarded in its time. It would not accept fiction and everything that was printed had to be verified).
In this article, the author postulated that UFOs may be "space animals" for lack of a better term.
They travel throughout the Universe, almost as though they're grazing. The water, oxygen and abundant minerals of Earth would attract them, he believed.
Then, when they've got their fill, they move back out to Space and continue to travel. He believed that they may be highly intelligent, perhaps more intelligent than we are.
Certainly, it's food for thought whether you choose to believe or not.
Looking at these objects in this animalistic term makes a little sense. However, I will agree that those rare instances when visitors are seen in the windows of UFOs, or stepping out of them after landing, is nearly impossible to explain in animalistic terms.
Could it be that these visitors use these animals for transportation, like we use a horse?
Who knows? I'm just tossing out one theory that is no less or more valid than another.
Food for thought.
Interesting, no?
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U.F.O. sightings
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2003, 07:10:30 AM »
Yeah, it hard to say where there from. I don`t think there from this planet, maybe someother universe? If you remeber the Betty and Barnie Hill, story, they were both abducted back in the 60`s, as they were driving around at night and after many nights of the two having the same nightmare dreams, they went to a hpnotized, and behold both story were the same. It made a bunch of publisity, for awhile and they made a movie of it. I saw the movie and read the book. What wasn`t brought out in the movie, was Betty ask the alien did they believe in God. The Alien looked at her and said they were all God`s. So I`d say they were santanic. They did know who God was, and tried to place thereself above him. Also Betty drew a universe for the hypnotis, of a map she saw in the space ship, and they said that they was from there. It was about 6years later, that the space people located such a universe, that at the time could not be seen with our telescopes.
   Now in the book of Revelation, or maybe it`s the book of Daniel, There is a scenerio of the end of time`s and it say, that the (hearts of men will fail them), when the fire starts falling from the sky`s. Now the fire falling from the skies could mean, nucleur war, or it could be an invasion from outer space.
   Another theroy, is that when God and Lucifer had the great battle in the heavens, that Satan was thrown down to earth with his dark angels, but some went to other planets. Hence forth the theory that they could be demonic. They are coming here once in a while to visit. Dunno just some interesting theorys that I`ve read about.
bullet maker :D
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U.F.O. sightings
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2003, 07:14:55 AM »
Another observation that I forgot to post in the earlier post, is they ain`t friendly or they would have tried to make contact
 by now. :eek:
bullet maker :D
I like to make bullets, handload, shooting of all types, hunting, fishing, taking pictures, reading, grandchildren, 4 wheeling, eating out often.

Offline MATLOCK12C

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The Other Things
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2004, 03:31:09 PM »
I have seen a foxfire. phosfoesent gas glowing in the swamps of louisanna
I have seen a ghost. more than once.
I have seen Big foot, in Texas
I have seen a black panther in Louisanna
I have seen an albino bobcat in Gorgia
I have seen a cat nurse puppys.
I have seen a dead man come back to life after being gone for over 6 minutes, and be completely normal not even a hint of brain damage.  
I have flipped a ford f-150 seven times end over end and walked away without so much as a scratch.
BUT I HAVE NEVER SEEN A UFO IN MY LIFE EVER. It don't mean they are not real, I just ain't seen it .
I do know there is more in heaven and on this earth that we could ever explain or understand.  It is in mans nature to try to explain the unexplainable.  :grin:

Remember, 95% of all energency room visits are made shortly AFTER this statement; HEY, Y'ALL WATCH THIS!  :shock:   :)  :)  :-D

Offline Glanceblamm

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The Other Things
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2004, 03:38:11 AM »
Older research (1970-80) used to associate
Big Foot
Rotton egg smell

As being linked together. Have not heard anything on this for at least ten years. UFO sightings still recieve some media coverage around here.

Offline ernon

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Re: The Other Things
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2004, 11:16:36 AM »
Quote from: Loader 3009
Are we avoiding one topic?  Usually, when people tell of strange things seen, someone will mention a UFO......then others will admit they have seen or "experienced" them.

How about it, people?  Any close encounters?  I'm serious.

Yep, I've seen a few; a couple close up. I usually don't talk about them much since people think you are either crazy or desperate for attention or something if you bring up the subject, so I just keep quiet.

I'll say this though, the best sighting I had was verified by the US Navy so I'll share that experience. Believe it or don't, but I swear this is the gospel truth.

It was mid-summer 1972, early dusk but still light enough to see very well. I owned some bare land at the top of the highest ridge over-looking Santa Clara valley (Silicon Valley) in CA. Some friends and I had just arrived to have a bar-b-que and star watch. We unpacked, lit a fire and grabbed a beer. A couple of minutes later we heard a noise that was like a 'swooshing' sound. From over the back side of the ridge a UFO was slowly rising. It was about 100 feet away. It was round, about 30' diameter and metallic grey. It came toward us, rising all the way, until it passed straight over us at about 50 ft up. It still just made that soft 'swooshing' sound.

Here's where the verification part comes in. As soon as it cleared the top of the ridge and could be seen from the valley floor, we heard the scramble siren at Moffett Naval Air Station sound off and two jets immediately scrambled. The UFO continued at a slow pace down the range a few miles, as if waiting for the jets to catch up. They roared over us "balls to the wall" in a full throttle turn chasing the thing; just about broke our ear drums as they passed over us. The UFO waited until they closed to a mile or so and then shot down the range about 10 miles and waited for them again. When they closed the second time, it shot off at a high angle and rate of speed and disappeared into space with the jets in poor pursuit. It was like kids on bicycles trying to catch a dragster, just pathetic. The jets followed it up and disappeared into the distance. About 10 minutes later they came limping back to base at normal speed.
It was all we talked about that night but I was more freaked out by the Navy's reaction to me than I was by the UFO.

After the sighting, I drove down the hill and called the base from a pay phone. They denied scrambling the jets, but when I told them I had witnessed the whole incident they got real ME!. They transferred me to someone who offered for me to come on in and have a talk. How friendly of them! I declined and got scared they were tracing the call so I hung up and went back up the hill.

I figure it's been enough time now so that no one cares who saw what 32 years ago.  BUT if my posts suddenly disappear.... :wink:
