Author Topic: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?  (Read 1277 times)

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Offline RPRNY

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2014, 02:03:13 PM »
Well, this excellent little microcosm shows why the Republican Party is doomed and why Conservatives are such help to an increasingly socialist Democrat party.

There are clearly many Conservatives who in reality want a reactionary Party of Christ that, like the Muslim parties overseas, want to impose their book's version of "what we think God wants" via civil government. And just as those Muslim fundamentalists vision of a "Godly government" is incompatible with modern civil society, so is one based on  Christian fundamentalist vision. So when they say they want a "real Conservative" candidate, they mean a white, Christian fundamentalist who can turn back time to 1955 when the US was rich, colored folk knew their place, and immigrants were legal, and mostly white.

Well, that Presidential candidate cannot be elected in 2014 (thank God) and nobody can turn back time. So, either those Conservatives will continue to be frustrated or will set up their Party of Christ, which would be ideal for a Conservative party to replace the Republican party and compete effectively against the socialists. A party that claims to favor not only less regulation but deregulation while demonstrating a fixation with regulating the uterus cannot hope to win the trust and votes.of Americans. A party that claims to be strictly Constitutionalist and places such importance on the Second Amendment cannot continue to ignore the 14th Amendment because it offends their "family values".

When the Conservative movement is shed of its Christian Fundamentalist element, it will attract many Democrats who have been put off by a Party often held hostage by people who believe that God really did create the Earth in seven days, despite all evidence to the contrary. Then, a Conservative party focused on safeguarding our Constitutional rights, diminishing the size of the Federal government, devolving more decision making to the State and local level, and bringing down the deficit can be elected to power. Until then, we will get the likes of  Romney and Christie as Republicans try to nominate someone less offensive to the average American voter than some Midwestern Mullah focused on abortion and keeping Gays from enjoying the horrors of marriage.

I'm sure that will be popular and answered with great civility....

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2014, 07:48:48 AM »
RPRNY says;

  " There are clearly many Conservatives who in reality want a reactionary Party of Christ that, like the Muslim parties overseas, want to impose their book's version of "what we think God wants" via civil government. And just as those Muslim fundamentalists vision of a "Godly government" is incompatible with modern civil society, so is one based on  Christian fundamentalist vision. So when they say they want a "real Conservative" candidate, they mean a white, Christian fundamentalist who can turn back time to 1955 when the US was rich, colored folk knew their place, and immigrants were legal, and mostly white."

  Who are these people you talk about, where do you find them?  Surely you are not talking about any of the several "Tea Parties"!  I have have attended their rallies and your words in no way reflect the spirit found there.  True, many are Christians I suppose, judging by their conduct.. but there is not one hint of any kind of theocracy.. it would be anathema to Tea Party principles.  Certainly your last sentence is suspect when you say;
     "  they mean a white,Christian fundamentalist who can turn back time to 1955 when the US was rich, colored folk knew their place, and immigrants were legal, and mostly white ".
    Those words are not anything which is heard at TP rallies.  In fact, the only place I hear such notions associated with the from the Liberal "spin machine", and nobody should fall for that tripe!

  It is just this kind of disinformation published by the marxist/Leftists and believed by some gullible conservatives, which keeps us from coalescing around a base that already has an active, dynamic moving core.  Let's not assist the Marxists in keeping conservatives split into factions..

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Larry L

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2014, 11:13:08 AM »
Gotta love the left. When things aren't going their way they stoop to name calling,  making religion look like it's a bad thing and something nasty, and then we always have to play the race card. The folks I would like to see rise to the top would be Herman Cain, he's black in case ya didn't know. Then there would be Allan West, oh damn, another black guy. And then Ted Cruz, a hispanic. Marco Rubio, jeez, yet another Miami born hispanic whose parents came from Cuba. Talk about a group of white guys thumpin' Bibles! Oh wait, there weren't any. All of the above have strong leadership qualities and are believers in the long forgotten Constitution. Now that's something we haven't had in a few years of this countries withering away, a true American at the helm.

Offline Doublebass73

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2014, 01:17:54 PM »
Family values = I believe in the Constitution up until it conflicts with my view of morality at which point it's perfectly fine to violate.
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

Offline RPRNY

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2014, 02:16:53 PM »
I did not say that those were views common among Tea Party activists and supporters. Indeed, the Tea Party movement is interesting in part because it seems to attract fiscal conservative libertarian types. I said that many self-identified conservatives are reactionaries and Christian fundamentalists and that many of those people deem a conservative party to be one in which their reactionary, Christian Fundamentalists views prevail. That is a party that cannot win national office in the country. Those are views contrary to the Constitution which separates Church from State (though not morality from government, which the Left would have us believe) and are as incompatible with a free society in which the individual liberties of the Constitution are preeminent as would a Muslim fundamentalist platform. I am a practicing Christian and bear no ill will to other Christians or desire to bar them from living according to their beliefs. But when they demand that because of their beliefs the 14th Amendment shouldn't apply to gays, they are no better than the Left trying to annul or get around the Second Amendment. The State regulates marriage, therefore any and all equitable parties must be afforded the opportunity, as required by the 14 Amendment, to undertake State regulated marriage. Churches cannot be forced to perform gay marriage ceremonies either. The State sanctions all kinds of killing. I believe abortion is wrong and a sin, but given that the State already sanctions other forms of killing, that abortions will take place whether legal or otherwise, and that there is  national consensus on Roe VS Wade, the fixation that many Republican law makers have with regulating the uterus in immense detail (but not passing a law that bans abortion plain and simple) is as Incompatible with our civil society as would be a Muslim fundamentalist effort to impose mandatory female genital mutilation.

In my opinion, a conservative has to stand by the whole Constitution, all the time, including the bits we may not like. Freedom means that other people we don't like will do things we don't like. The biggest threat to this nation is not late term abortions any more than it is "30  caliber magazineclips". It is the unrelenting growth of government, the crippling yet growing national debt, and the unwillingness of the current regime to adhere to the supreme law of the land, the Constitution.

So, I would encourage those who believe that their creed should form the basis of government, rather than the Constitution, to form their Party of Christ and then America's secular conservatives, who include large numbers of people who vote for the Left because the idea of voting for candidates that claim to believe the Creationist view of world history is intellectually insulting, can get on with fixing things while the religious right and socialist left argue fringe issues.

 I am a conservative and I believe that we have to stop using government to force everybody to live the way we think they should, just as the Left has to stop using it to make everybody live the way they  want them to.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Many of us are weary of the republicrats.. is there help coming at last ?
« Reply #35 on: February 22, 2014, 11:15:17 AM »
  First off, I disagree that Christians are dictating anything to the various Tea Parties.  There are several Tea Parties, one can choose the one he/she likes and agrees with.
    You say you are a practicing Christian, you label some "other" Christians as 'fundamentalists".  How do your beliefs differ from the 'fundamentalists'?   Do you believe in a different God?  Do you follow someone other than Jesus?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)