Author Topic: 98% of Mass Shootings – Happened in ‘Gun Free Zones’  (Read 230 times)

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98% of Mass Shootings – Happened in ‘Gun Free Zones’
« on: November 25, 2019, 03:38:13 AM »

OCTOBER 22, 2019

98% of Mass Shootings – Happened in ‘Gun Free Zones’

Last week’s shooting at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California left 12 people dead. A week before that, a shooter in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ended the lives of 11 people at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

Now, reports, “[California] governor-elect Gavin Newsom is considering passing ‘even tougher laws’ following [the] shooting.” Likewise, a Post-Gazette headline reads, “Pittsburgh eyeing gun legislation in wake of synagogue massacre.”

The reality is, though, that California already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. And despite all of the gun control laws that exist in Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh shooter was able to purchase his firearms legally.

“Those FBI background checks failed to stop a mass murderer who was not a criminal until he killed,” pointed out. “…Background checks contain a fatal flaw; looking backwards doesn’t predict the future.”

Gun Free Zones Are Especially Deadly

One form of gun control in particular has proven especially worthless – and deadly. So-called “gun free zones,” as Erich Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, wrote in USA Today this week, have served as “magnets for killers.”

In fact, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) has found that 97.8 percent of mass public shootings between 1950 and 2018 have occurred in “gun free zones.”

Some of the deadliest mass shootings in this country’s history have occurred in so-called gun free zones, and most of the recent shootings that have made the news have happened in these shooter safe-havens:

Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people in 2018 in Parkland, Florida at a school, a gun free zone.

Omar Mateen murdered 49 people in 2016 in Florida at Pulse Nightclub, a gun free zone.

Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in 2015 in San Bernardino, California in a public building and gun free zone.

Dylann Storm Roof took the lives of 9 people in South Carolina in 2015 at a church, which, according to state law, is a gun free zone.

Aaron Alexis killed 12 people in 2013 at the Washington, D.C. Navy Yard, where only military police are permitted to carry a firearm.

Adam Lanza murdered 27 people, many of them children, in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a gun free zone.

The list goes on. CPRC has compiled an excel sheet of all the mass public shootings between 1998 and 2018, along with a case-by-case discussion of which shootings have happened in gun free zones.

‘Sitting Duck Zones’

Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights, says gun free zones attract killers looking to prey on innocent, law-abiding citizens.

“Gun free zones are, as so much evidence proves, essentially ‘sitting duck’ zones, where only criminals are armed,” Brown told Gunpowder Magazine. “So-called ‘gun free zones’ illustrate, better than any other anti-gun mandate, how, like any law, gun control only controls law-abiding citizens, and does nothing to thwart criminals.

“In fact,” Brown continued, “gun free zones provide killers with an easy target – a place 98 percent of mass shooters have taken advantage of to carry out the most amount of bloodshed possible, time and time again. Lawmakers need to wake up to the facts: Gun free zones make mass shootings worse.”

More Guns, Fewer Mass Shootings

Access to firearms has helped stop many mass shootings, or prevent them altogether, despite what the mainstream media may proclaim.

In 2007, Mathew Murray killed four people at a church in Colorado Springs before a member, Jeanne Assam—a former police officer—shot Murray, who later resorted to suicide instead of being arrested.

In 2013, an armed gunman opened fire in Atlanta’s Prince Middle School. After wounding one student, an armed resource officer shot the attacker, saving the lives of other students inside the school.

Both the Colorado Springs and Atlanta shootings took place in gun-free zones.

“Within the past month,” Pratt writes, “two potential mass shootings were averted by law-abiding citizens who used their concealed firearms.”

In October 2018, an armed father returned fire on a gunman who started shooting up a McDonald’s in Alabama. The father is being hailed a hero for saving the lives of his sons and countless patrons.

The Crime Prevention Research Center has compiled lists of cases in which concealed handgun permit holders have stopped mass public shootings and other mass attacks, including church shootings. Gunpowder Magazine also reports on such instances under its “Good Guys with Guns” tag.

Americans Know Better
Though, sadly, it is too late for some, not everyone is falling for the “increased gun control” mantra spouted by left-wingers in the wake of such tragedies. NPR and other news outlets reported that after the synagogue shooting, religious leaders are evaluating their security measures.

And USA Today reports that in California, “Fearful residents decide it’s time to buy a gun.”

Read More:

My Thoughts:

This is why gun free zones need to be removed, because criminals don’t obey the law. Just remember the Aurora Theater shooting; the shooter bypassed two other theaters along the way to the only one that was a gun free zone theater.

Source: USA Carry

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Re: 98% of Mass Shootings – Happened in ‘Gun Free Zones’
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2019, 07:05:48 AM »
These NWO Liberal gun grabbers don't care about innocent lives.They use these terrible incidents to bolster their agenda. Possibly even creating them.Their primary goal is to disarm ALL U.S. citizens.

Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.