Author Topic: Religion or politics? ..Guess I'll place it here..  (Read 406 times)

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Offline ironglows

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Religion or politics? ..Guess I'll place it here..
« on: November 01, 2020, 01:22:13 AM »
  I guess we are well aware that over 80% of conservative Christians are voting for Pres Trump.  My question is, where the ... &^#$... are the missing 20% ?
   In any case, here is the view of one guy, who is ordained into the Canadian Anglican church.

  Reading his submission shows an extreme dearth of knowledge or awareness of the views of conservative, dare I say "Biblical" Christians ?  In his piece, he points out several examples, where he cannot seem to understand the conservative, Biblical, Christian view.
He says;
" . Religious freedom, viewed from a perspective that balks even at limitations on the size of church gatherings during the pandemic to protect public health.

 . Gun rights, with armed self-reliance seen as a biblical virtue, when in fact Jesus is regarded as the Prince of Peace.

. Support for Israel, not because they're especially pro-Jewish but due to an eschatology that looks to an end-times war between Israel and its enemies leading to the Second Coming.

. Resistance to LGBTQ2 equality.

. Most important of all, a deep objection to abortion.

  He does seem quite confused, which leads one to ask; "Why don't you just read the Bible?"

 Since this clergyman appears to be criticizing conservative Christians in the US, does he expect us to vote for a gaggle of politicians who;

 . Ridicule God and those who revere Him.

 . Tried to strike his name from their convention.

 . Many of which show an infatuation with communism, a declared anti-God dogma.

 . Have in many cases, been eager to shut down and otherwise harass Christian meetings.

 . Vote consistently to endorse serious sins listed in the Bible.. e.g. (Rom 1:21-28).

 . Continue the drive to energize the abortion holocaust.

"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Religion or politics? ..Guess I'll place it here..
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2020, 01:42:17 AM »
thats kind of a strange figure. Where are the 20 percent?  churches like the Methodist,  episcopal, Presbyterian ect. some of that 20 percent comes from the liberals in my church and yours too. Fact is theres liberals in EVERY church. some are just better about hiding it on voting day.  My guess is its very doubtful if even 80 percent of Christians vote republican. After all this forum should have taught you one thing for sure. That is theres a big difference in a Christian and someone who claims the title. Many more of the former here and out in the real world. i still remember about 2 years back when in the middle of his sermon or priest made the statement that homosexuality was evil and a sin. 4 people got up and walked out of church. Two of them for sure i know were NOT homosexual. One was even a life long teacher we trusted our kids education to! Kind of boggles my mind that someone with beliefs like that would even walk through the door. My buddy walked out of his methodist chruch for good one day when the female pastor stood up in front of everyone and said there was nothing wrong with first term abortions if the girl isnt ready for the responsibility of raising a child!!!!  Sad thing is he said only one other walked out with him. Like i said im suprised its only 20 percent. 
  I guess we are well aware that over 80% of conservative Christians are voting for Pres Trump.  My question is, where the ... &^#$... are the missing 20% ?
   In any case, here is the view of one guy, who is ordained into the Canadian Anglican church.

  Reading his submission shows an extreme dearth of knowledge or awareness of the views of conservative, dare I say "Biblical" Christians ?
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