If the Chinese commies decide to use millions of troops against India and Taiwan..who is going to be left to guard all those Muslims they have in their Saul Alinsky style concentration camps ?
https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/chinas-repression-uighurs-xinjiang So far as those dirt missiles are concerned..if the report is true, they are hidden moderately well, but nowhere as good as the many globe capable missiles we have moving around in submarines.
The video shows one glaring mistake made by Iranian defense. That is the tactic of "dispersion". Even infantry troops practice it, when the teach.."don't bunch up..a single grenade or mortar shell will get a whole squad"
Look at the video, some of those launches are right next to one another ! If they are bunched up like that, they are worth a MOAB or even a nuclear strike.
In any case, if the video is factual, we can probably rest assured that Israeli intel, know just where they are located.