We see socialism/communism rearing it's ugly head here in 21st century America. We are well aware that communism takes no back seat to Nazism brutality, since they are both Godless ideologies.
Some would say, "it can't happen here, since we are advanced and civilized". Let me hasten to remind one and all..back in the 1920s through the 1940s, Germany was perhaps the most technically and intellectually advanced nation in the world..but still..
Having read Holocaust years ago...a passage from that book comes to mind...Erik Dorf speaking 1941...pictured how perhaps the most advanced nation in the world, can descend into butchery.................... " This job of "eliminating" on a grand scale all the enemies of the Reich- Jews, Bolsheviks, clergy, commissars, intelligentsia- is so grave, it cannot be entrusted to the army. Heydrich, telling me this with a grin on his face, said that the army leaders, Jodl, Keitel, all those haughty types, swallowed this like little children taking castor oil. On one hand they hate the idea of losing jurisdiction, but on the other, they are relieved not to have to undertake tasks that only our SS, our fearless"Black Crows", will be courageous enough to undertake.
It seems like even the most cultivated and genteel, were willing to ignore the atrocities, so long as somebody else was doing them !