Author Topic: What happens when all 3 branches of government are taken over by one party  (Read 758 times)

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Offline ironglows

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  That happened in New York 3-4 years the federal government.  Now the Democrats of NY, are so bold as to consider placing "dangerous" people in detention camps.
  Look for similar situations nationally.

  Disease carriers are the "dangerous" people today..who will it be tomorrow?
  Political dissenters?  Christians?  Jews? Gun owners? Old, white, men?
   Isn't that how places like Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau started..separating "dangerous" people from the rest?
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline billy_56081

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I'm sure to them conservative thought is a disease worthy of the camps.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline NWBear

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"What happens when all 3 branches of government are taken over by one party"

Look back at 2017, the Republicans held all three branches.

Offline oldandslow

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And did nothing. Don't expect this to happen with the democrats.

Offline BUGEYE

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"What happens when all 3 branches of government are taken over by one party"

Look back at 2017, the Republicans held all three branches.
Yeah, the republicans took away private insurance and replaced with Medicare for all, opened our borders to everyone, gave social security to every illegal alien, took away the right to bear arms, took away free speech, persecuted CHRISTIANS, forgave student loans, and paid reparations to anyone claiming a distant relation to a slave, raised taxes, drove corporations overseas with burdensome regulations, cheated on elections, you get the idea.
Mean old republicans.
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                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline mcbammer

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   The damage that the Dems will do in the next two years will leave this country unrecognizable .

Offline Dee

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Both parties have held all three houses at one time or another. We're still here. I listen to all the rhetoric coming from every direction. Whose right?

I'm gonna watch and see. Ain't much else I can do.

The Democrats/idiots are traitors. The Republicans/pitiful liars, are traitors also.

Solution? Vote all but a few Republicans out of office? A 3rd party?

Who tha hell knows.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Online Lloyd Smale

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Thank you dee for a ray of common sense in all of this. I say let them do there best to ruin this country. They have two choices and only two. They can posture some more and do nothing and that will probably hurt us more in the big picture then if they try to pass all there socialist agendas. Doing nothing and lieing some more might just get them another 4 years. Implement there crazy plans and they will show even the democrats how really nuts they are. I hope they try it fast so its obvious by mid term election time. My guess is there smart enough to know better then that and will do nothing radical at least for 2 years. Bottom line is there not dictators. they still answer to the people and a good many of those democrats voted with there wallet and when its hit and hit hard there going to abandon ship. All that will be left is a few radical far left liberals in a life raft. We had obama for 8 years and made it though that and still have our guns and still have food in the fridge. We will survive this too.
Both parties have held all three houses at one time or another. We're still here. I listen to all the rhetoric coming from every direction. Whose right?

I'm gonna watch and see. Ain't much else I can do.

The Democrats/idiots are traitors. The Republicans/pitiful liars, are traitors also.

Solution? Vote all but a few Republicans out of office? A 3rd party?

Who tha hell knows.
blue lives matter

Offline geezerbiker

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The difference is this time they cheated to get here and we all know they're going to cheat even more next election.  If we lost fair and square, I'd say I hope we run better candidates next time but now we know next time doesn't matter.

Unless the president steps in and calls martial law and runs the entire election again, we are now permanently a one party nation...


Offline ironglows

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Yes in the past, both parties have had the majority in all three branches at one time or another.  The Repugnicans are not the same party they were 50years ago..and the Demonrats are light years different from the party of harry Truman or JFK!

       When a party has slipped so far from decency as to steal an election in such a bold manner, when all demographics, history and common sense point to corruption...and not one, single member has conscience enough to question their "win"..things have definitely gone down the old "two holer"!
  When it is common knowledge that illegals are welcomed for that purpose, mail-in voting was designed with stealing in mind...and the "permanent political class" of both parties, have overt hatred for, and join forces against the one man in the last 30years , who tried to bring back the dignity of the USA...surely something truly STINKS...and this time it is not in Denmark !
  I only mentioned what is being tried in NY State , since they have taken over all three branches..  This is not even the party of FDR..both houses have given Cuomo almost unlimited move may be as "governor for life".

Here is a link which I neglected in the OP.  If you want to check further..check with Duckduckgo, Google seems reticent to mention it !
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..