Hi Busta,
Thought that you had gone to a
warmer place. :grin:
Ya,...was at Jay's a few weeks ago and the White w/ventilated rib,gray lam stock,was STILL there! Couldn't believe it ,and same price at $299.
Gees, stood there looking at it , handling it off and on....for bout 20 min. :roll:
I went there looking for a Topper Deluxe Classic,they were not in though yet,but told they had ordered some from the Shot Show and their price would be $160. Told me to call in a month.
Running out of time,as my Turkey season (got drawn :-D ) is starting 4-19-04......OHhhhh Man. Can't wait! Looks like I will probably be using my Rem 870 Express Turkey though. Unless something shakes loose and I pick up a front stuffer.
You interested in another White? :grin: It's there for the taking! I know that you
love yours. Sure don't blame ya,.......beautiful guns!..and I hear that
smoked turkey is hard to beat. (probably from you
