Students across the US are being spoon fed a false history..along with false conclusions. The so-called 1619 project is now being taught in some hate-filled schools, and due to be introduced to others.
The claim by the bitter author of the project, while working for the NY Times , is that slavery was long practiced by the United States, which gives rise to many to demand "reparations"...which essentially is paying somebody who never was a slave, reparations from somebody who never had anything to do with slavery.
In other words, transferring hard earned wealth from one person to another, over something that happened nearly 160 years ago. ...And they are not expected to offer any proof of such distant connection, it is based purely on skin color.
Then she claims that the Revolutionary War, was primarily fought to preserve slavery.... Well, let's apply a bit of logic...something lefties may have ...but if so, it is in very short supply.
The Revolutionary war started basically in Massachusetts..with the tea party, the" Boston massacre" and the Adams boys. Then of course, the patriots in Lexington and Concord pretty well capped it off.
Where her 'reasoning' goes haywire, is that by the 1770s that time the mood in New England was already firmly turning against slavery.
The war of the Revolution wasn't finished until about 1787... by which time slavery there was for all practical..and legal purposes, a thing of the past.