Some years ago, a relative lost their
dad and cleaned out his old house.
There was a whole lot of accumulated
stuff, and since he had no interest in
them, he gave me 2 Zebco 33 reels in
their old boxes. I never looked at them,
and I don't guess he did either. I had the
occasion to take the boxes down from
where I sat them years back when he
gave them to me, and I was surprised
to find 2 old baitcasting reels (1940s-1950s?)
that were in the Zebco boxes.
One says Bronson Fleetwing No. 2475,
and the other says South Bend Perfectoreno.
(I tried to post a picture, but I kept getting a
message of too many something-something, etc.)
I guess you never know what's in that box of chocolates