One of the biggest lies being shoveled to people, is that "poverty causes crime". I'm calling BS on that false presumption!
Todaay, the "poor" have food stamps, welfare, food banks, WIC, and a host of other options. For the most part, the "poor' havegovernment paid rent & utilities.. TV, washers and dryers, smart phones and the WWW to serve them!
the I was a "child of the depression".. we didn't have all those programs, but being in a large family of 10 kids, we could have collected welfare..but my Dad & Mom would have nothing to do with that !
We had no rinnin water in the house, no refrigerator, no telephone..only got a radio much later.. We survived..Dad raised a garden, sometimes a hog, he hunted & fished..and bartered for other stuff.
Our neighbors for the main part, were in the same boat...but there was not near the lawlessness, theft , robberies, drug use and other crimes then. Our door had no lock..probably couldn't afford one anyway.
Most crime was the Gangsters, of the Al Capone style.
Look back.. the great depression puts the lie to the fable that "poverty causes crime".