I am a volunteer member of the church choir. The former Band Director of the local High School is our volunteer Choir Director and she is LIBERAL to the extreme. She writes and forwards a LOT of liberal junk on the Net.
I want to challenge her publicly (and have a few times - to the consternation and reproach of my spouse, who is the official paid "Music Director and Accompanist" for the church), but hold my tongue (and my typewriting fingers) because I HAVE BEEN TOLD to leave it alone.
Emotionally, a "music snob" (a term of endearment), and an empath, the volunteer Director withers under pressure in the white hot spotlight of truth. So I don't pick on her, because it is too easy.
My lovely spouse is friends with and NEEDS the volunteer Director to keep us as 4-part (dis)harmony, guttural, dragging, page wandering, pecking hen and cackling rooster vocalists, in line, on time, and on pitch, raising us all to a greater potential. We get a LOT of complements from the community and especially from The Bishop, which is very good for job security. The choir would be immeasurably worse without the volunteer Director.
I have been told - for the good of the choir - not to raise political issues with her. Fortunately, the majority of our choir members are conservative, so I am in good company there.